Page 32 - May 2023
P. 32

Scams_Layout 1  28/04/2023  10:32  Page 1

                     My last Scam Email                             Parcel Delivery Scams
              Dear Customer,                                   and others. Please be aware!
              Your package is waiting for delivery.
              Your tracking number: 54246452-AV       This is a very common scam. I have had a number of these
              Weight: 0,72 kg                         by email but they can also be by text on your phone, I don’t
              Shipping status: Awaiting payment.      have a smart phone as I have yet to get a 5 year old to teach
              Confirm payment from 2.99 $             me how it works!            The scammers can produce very
              with the following link:                realistic websites and messages. Which? raises the alarm
               over a convincing SMS phishing - or 'smishing' - scam text
              id=293845612-AV                         claiming to be from DPD.
              thanks for interested                          The Email/text appears to be from people like Royal
                                                      Mail, DPD or DHL etc. etc. It informs a recipient that a delivery
              attempt was made or telling them a small sum needs to be paid and asking them to follow a link to
              arrange delivery/redelivery. The link takes you to a convincing copycat website asking for your per-
              sonal details, which can cost a lot more than a small delivery sum. This is where your delete key
              is the most important one on your keypad! Whilst writing this I had an email
              allegedly from American Express asking me to key in my details and previ-
              ously from other banks.
                     I had another from Netflix saying that my subscription has been sus-
              pended, so key in my details to re-start it. But of course I don’t have a Netflix
              subscription - so delete. I am used to these emails (sadly), as I have a higher
              profile on the internet.
                     PHISHING is the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to
              be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal
              information, such as passwords and credit card details: SMISHING is basically the same but by text
              instead of email.
              Sorry to say this but you have to be cynical about the World of technology. You
              can keep out people who knock on your door but they can get in to your home
              via your computer or phone.
              I have already notified of my other scam, my phone call from the Visa people claiming that £900
              pounds of on-line shopping had been deducted from my account. The automatic voice was an English
              one, and I was asked to press 1 to stop it (just in case I did so). The next voice was one from the In-
              dian sub-continent. I will no doubt be accused of being racist here but a huge number of scams come
              from the Indian-sub continent and unless I personally know them, I do not trust anyone with the rel-
              evant accent. I told the Person speaking that I did not believe they were the Visa Debit department
              and the phone call ceased - don’t get caught please and be cynical like me.

                                  Dictator Syndrome

                                  I  have  been  asked  to  explain  about  Dictator  Syn-
                                  drome, relating usually to one person who comes into
                                  a sport or even a business, who takes control and
                                  who’s word is “god”  and nothing basically happens
                                  unless they agree with it
                                          From clubs upwards it can apply. It is perhaps
                                  a lot more prevalent in amateur sport. It works best
              when something is being set up and needs to be driven. The problem
              comes when it is the time to let go, throw your guns in the water bucket and ride into the sunset. And
              leave it for others to take charge but most Dictators simply don’t know when to let go and move on,
              so they cling on and effectively stop something developing as it should. Dictators can also be Puppet
              Masters in the background and I can think of someone outside the UK that fits the bill. Believe me I
              have seen them all in my 64 years of being involved in sport. Sadly, some of them had done very
              good work in the beginning but had to be forced out ending in tears. anyone you know?
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