Page 31 - May 2023
P. 31

Elaine Club History_Layout 1  28/04/2023  10:29  Page 1


                                                                         The Start of Our Club

                                                                         by Elaine Gathercole
                                                                         I came across the minutes of two commit-
                                                                         tee meetings for our club from 17th January
                                                                         and 24th February 1985 which I believe
                                                                         represent the start of our Short Mat Bowls
                                                                              It  is  based  in  the  village  hall  in  the
                                                                         North Yorkshire parish of Welburn which
                                                                         consists of only 260 houses. The hall can
                                                                         accommodate 2 mats. I was impressed by
                                                                         the sense of drive to get the club going in
                                                                         such  a  short  time  and  the  sense  of  self
                                                                         help. The finances are also of some inter-
              est by comparison with today.
                     Grants were being sought from various bodies, though were likely to be slow in coming even
              if successful. However, a Bingo Session in the nearby Market Town of Malton raised a total of £279.
              Further funds must have been quickly generated as £495 was banked in the newly opened bank ac-
              count in February. It seems that a loan had been made by the Village Hall so the club could buy
              mats and £400 was already being paid back to them in February. These are huge sums considering
              RPI has increased four-fold from January 1985 to today.
                     Fenders were made by one of the committee members. In January it was suggested that cov-
              ers for mats should also be made – but by February they had bought some. Members who already
              had woods were prepared to lend them to newcomers and the Lawn Bowls club in a nearby village
              was also prepared to lend bowls. Insurance was being investigated but it was hoped that the club
              would be covered by the Village Hall policy.
                     Mats were expected to arrive by 27th January when a demonstration of Short Mat Bowling
              would be held. This would also provide an opportunity to enrol members. Advertisements were to be
              placed locally and in the surrounding area. Several coaching sessions were to be held in the weeks
              immediately following the arrival of the mats.
                     Rules were drawn up and initially, it was agreed that there would be three sessions a week of
              1 hour each at 2.30pm and 7pm on Fridays and 2.30pm on Sundays. Members were to be surveyed
              regarding their preferences and the session times reviewed at an Open Meeting in March at which
              the future running of the club would also be discussed. Session times might also have to be altered
              in Summer.
                     The initial annual fees were set at £3 for
              adults and £1.50 for young people aged 11 to
              16. The charge for the use of a rink was set at
              50p per hour for all classes of member.
                     Today  we  have  a  club  night  for  two
              hours  at  7pm  on  a  Friday  and  play  league
              matches on a Tuesday which last around 90
              minutes. We charge just £10 a year for annual
              membership,  most  of  which  goes  to  the
              NYSMBA, and £2 per full Friday or Tuesday
              session, including away games - thus our fees
              have stayed well below inflation, making Short
              Mat  Bowls  a  very  inexpensive  hobby  com-
              pared to some.
                     Our old Village Hall which dated from 1928 was replaced in 2007 by a brand new eco friendly
              building on the same site, causing our league matches to all be played away in the 2006/7 season
              -  but thankfully the new hall was designed so it could still accommodate Short Mat Bowls. Long may
              the club continue!
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