Page 19 - Summer Issue 2018 Final
P. 19

Zone 4_Layout 1  25/06/2018  23:46  Page 1

              Men’s Zone Plate Winners - Armagh                                                               19
               Men’s Zone Plate Winners - Armagh

                                                    Zone Plate Finals
                                                     Zone Plate Finals
                                                    Armagh claimed the Men’s Plate Final with narrow win over
                                   Mulholland       South Down by 59 shots to 57. J Beattie 10 v K Blakely 10;
                                                    J Richardson 17 v M Grant 6; C Dillon 4 v A Johnston 13; A
                                     with the
                                       Plate        Leckey 14 v J Moffat 4; D McDonald 3 v M Sproule 18; T
                                    Shield on       Mulholland 11 v A Corrigan 6.
                                                          In the Ladies Plate Final Foyle claimed the title with a
                                    of Armagh       romping 77 - 33 win over East Antrim. S Johnstom 9 v E
                                                    Woods 7; S Finlay 15 v C Rea 8; D Stevenson 11 v A Rea
                                                    4; L Hamilton 18 v G Peel 4; V Witherow 11 v A Weir 5; N
                                                    Miller 13 v A McLaughlin 5.

                                             TECHNICAL APPEAL
                                             TECHNICAL APPEAL
                                             My Computer is the first thing I switch on every morning, be-
                                             fore I make Yvonne’s Coffee and my Tea. However, I don’t
                                             want to know how it works, just that it does. Whilst I am OK
                                             with some technology, repeat some, I know absolutely noth-
                                             ing about creating Video’s to load up on things like Face-
                                             book OR putting them on a DVD etc. Or Live Streaming.
                                                   The Video I would like to see created would be one ex-
                                             plaining all the really good and positive things about Short
                                             Mat Bowls AND explains the basic rules of playing and I
                                             mean the basics, without over complicating things.
              I would like to see a PROFESSIONAL looking Video and I am
              seeking to search the knowledge of those who know more
              than I do. This can be an amateur creation that looks profes-
              sional  OR  details  of  a  Professional  company  that  makes
              videos.  I have been looking at Cameras but I really need to
              talk to someone who knows what they are doing.
                    The English Carpet Bowls have their own Video on You
              Tube and I would like to produce something very similar.
              Also, I would prefer a video that covers the game and is NOT
              Association related, just about the sport without any ego’s
              or personalities in play. There must be someone out there
              who really knows what’s what!
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