Page 46 - Summer Issue 2018 Final
P. 46

Suffolk Short Mat_Layout 1  22/06/2018  14:18  Page 1

                   Suffolk Charity Tournament
            46     Suffolk Charity Tournament                                                 This  year’s  An-
                                                                                              nual        Charity
                                                                                              Cash        Triples
                                                                                              Tournament  was
                                                                                              in aid of Diabetes
                                                                                                    Our  venue
                                                                                              is quite small so
                                                                                              24  triples  is  the
                                                                                              maximum  num-
                                                                                              ber  of  people
                                                                                              who  can  play
                                                                                              with  only  room
                                                                                              for half of them
                                                                                              to have a seat.
                  Such is the popularity of the day entries were complete way back in November.  Apart
            from Suffolk, teams entered from Essex, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire.  The day is organised
            over 2 sessions 45 minutes apart with everyone playing 4 games of 9 ends over 45 minutes,
            with one session playing and the other sitting out, tea and coffee is available all day.
                  We run to normal ESMBA rules apart from the Jack going off the mat. This is then re-
            spotted by the organiser using one of four points on the Jack and foot lines. Teams get 4
            points for a win, 2 points for a draw and 1 point for every end won so adding everything to-
            gether can make the result tight.  Rather than have “no visiting the head rule”, skips are al-
            lowed a quick walk up the side of mat, walk behind the fender then back down to the
            delivery end without stopping.  This gives them the chance to see the head without contin-
            ually  asking  which  wood  holds  etc,
            which can take longer.
                  The winner of the first group played
            the winner of the second group in the
            best  of  a  three  end  sudden  death  tie
            break.    The  first  group  winner  was
            straight forward with 38 points however
            the second group proved more difficult.
            There were two teams on 41 points, they
            had each won 25 ends.
                  One team had plus shots of 21 and
            the  other  had  32.  It  was  good  to  see
            most people stay to watch Eileen Bellett
            Sheila & Roger Booker from Essex beat               Pam Fayers and
            David  Blundell,  Ron  Saitch  and  Chris
            Roberts from North Suffolk in the final.          Margaret Hastings
                  The venue was provided free of charge by the Indoor Club, we held a raffle also a spi-
            der and a 1 – 100 board.  We had sponsorship for the prize money and raised just under
            £800 for the day. A big thank you to all the people who helped on the day getting there early
            to get the equipment out, those who helped in the kitchen especially the ladies from outside
            of Suffolk who volunteered their services and to everyone who donated the raffle prizes
            and helped clear up afterwards. A great day was had by all
                                Margaret Hastings & Bob Cousins

                         Tournament Organisers
                         Suffolk Short Mat Bowling Association
   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48