Page 45 - Summer Issue 2018 Final
P. 45

Herefordshire:Layout 1  16/06/2018  09:50  Page 1

                                                                   Bromyard Triples                          45
                                                                   Bromyard Triples
                                                                       Challenge Cup
                                                                       Challenge Cup
                                                              This is a club triples competition which was held
                                                              for the first time at Bromyard Leisure Centre in
                                                              April 1999. Short Mat bowlers from clubs in the
                                                              joint association of Herefordshire and Glouces-
                                                              tershire were invited to play and 30 teams took
                                                              up the challenge.
                                                                   In the very first 1999 final Fownhope beat
                                                              Corse and Staunton in a very close game. This
                                                              initial running of the event came at the end of
                 Mike Conway, Rita Hancock &                 the era of the joint association of Herefordshire
                Terry Darrington (Aston Ingham)              and Gloucestershire.
                     receive the trophy from                       The increase in the number of short mat
                County Secretary Sue Stannard                bowling  clubs  had  made  it  possible  for  each
                                                             county to establish their own associations.
              The competition continues as an HSMBA event in the new venue of the Larruperz Centre,
              Ross on Wye and has been renamed the County Triples Challenge Cup. Each county club is
              invited to enter one team and then, if necessary, numbers are made up to 16 entrants by invit-
              ing additional teams from those clubs entering.
                    The competition was held at the Larruperz Centre in Ross with 16 teams from 10 clubs
              competing initially in 4 round robin
              groups of 4 teams before the group
              winners progressed to the knockout
              stage.  In  the  semi-finals  the  only
              previous winning club represented
              was  Larruperz  and  they  duly  pro-
              gressed to the final by defeating St
              Martin’s  in  their  first  foray  in  the
                    The  Larruperz  team  of  Lor-
              raine Pearce, June Pearce & Tony
              Vitale beat St Martin’s Peter Gold-
              ing, Kim Wooden & Peter Clark by 9
              shots to 5.
                    The other semi-final saw Aston
              Ingham  beat  Gorsley  Chapel  in  a
              tight match, with Mike Conway, Terry
              Darrington & Rita Hancock of Aston
              Ingham beat Gorsley Chapel’s Dean
              Rudman, Les Barlow & Joe Loveys
              10 shots to 8.
                    The  final  saw  the Aston  Ing-
              ham  team  of  Mike  Conway,  Terry
              Darrington and Rita Hancock over-
              whelm the Larruperz team of Lor-
              raine Pearce, June Pearce and Tony
              Vitale by 18 shots to 2  to add a new
              club  to  the  list  of  winners  of  this
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