Page 40 - Summer Issue 2018 Final
P. 40

Norfolk 5:Layout 1  30/05/2018  07:13  Page 1

            40                                                 In the semi-finals Simon Warnes’ triple had de-
                                                               feated  the  defending  champions,  Betty  Cox,
                                                               David Sharpe & Steve Hall of Hevingham, by
                                                               winning a dramatic extra end when their game
                                                               had finished level at 6-6.
                                                                    The  other  semi-final  saw  Keith  Cooke’s
                                                               triple  defeat  Woodbastwick’s  Willie  Jefferies,
                                                               Norma  &  Peter  Jablonowski  by  6-4  although
                                                               some confusion occurred when Jason Woods re-
                                                               turned  the  scorecard  showing  a  6-4  win  for
                                                                    Jason Woods, Robbie Lamb & Keith Cooke
                       Bure Triples Winners                    began  the  final  well  taking  two  shots  on  the
               Simon & Morgan Warnes, Ray Lamb                 opening end before the Simon Warnes’ triple
                                                               pulled one shot back on the second end. On the
           third end Cooke played a great bowl to take shot and Simon Warnes inadvertently gave Cooke
           another one when his attempt to retrieve the situation ended with him promoting one of his oppo-
           nent’s bowls into the head.
                 The  fourth  end  saw  Simon  Warnes  redeem
           himself  when  a  great  last  bowl  played  with  pace
           earned his triple two shots to cut the deficit to 4-3 but
           Cooke’s triple regained their two shot advantage with
           a single on the next end.
                 Merriment was brought to this competitive but
           friendly final on the sixth end when Keith Cooke’s
           brave attempt to play a difficult shot resulted in his
           bowl wobbling off the mat. He had been left in a poor
           position by his triple though and the end proved to
           be pivotal as Ray Lamb, Morgan Warnes & Simon
           Warnes took three shots to lead the final for the first              Bure Triples Finalists
           time by 6-5.                                                     Jason Woods, Keith Cooke,
                 On  the  penultimate  end  both  skips  had  one                   Robbie Lamb
           wood left to bowl with Cooke’s triple holding shot a
           few inches behind the jack on the left hand side of the mat. Warnes then produced a lovely fore-
           hand draw to take shot which Cooke failed to better leaving Simon Warnes’ triple protecting a two
           shot lead going into the final end. It proved to be a somewhat messy last end but Ray Lamb, Mor-
           gan Warnes & Simon Warnes came out of it as the new Bure Triples Champions with an 8-5 win.
                                               Newby's take Memorial Pairs title
                                                Newby's take Memorial Pairs title
                                               Father and Son duo Terry and Karl Newby of Carleton Rode
                                               claimed their first Norfolk Memorial pairs title defeating last sea-
                                               son's beaten finalists Billie and Melvyn Barker of Wymondham
                                               by 10-6 in a hard fought final that just saw the Rode pairing
                                                edge it in the closing ends having played well all day.
                                                     Twenty four pairs took to the mats at the start of the day
                                                each playing five match's with the top four pairs going into the
                                               semi finals. After all the pairs had played five match's Terry and
                                               Karl Newby romped home after having won their first match 24-
                                                0 to set them up for their next four wins.
                                                     Second placed pairing John Jeffery and Mark Linsdell of
              Memorial Pairs Winners           Wymondham also recorded five wins with a shot difference of
                Terry & Karl Newby             +31 then Billie and Melvyn Barker also with five wins were in
                                               third place with +28 shots.
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