Page 41 - Summer Issue 2018 Final
P. 41

Norfolk 6:Layout 1  25/06/2018  20:43  Page 1

           t was then a scrap for fourth place with three pairs having won four and drawn one. Nigel         41
           Willard  and  Jason  Woods  of  Bob  Carter  managed  to  sneak  in  with  +31  shots  while
           Wymondham's Debbie and Jon Sparham had +29 then Forncett's Tony Ottewell and Mike Smail
           had +21.
                 The semi finals saw Terry and Karl Newby continue their winning streak beating Nigel and
           Jason Woods 7-3 while Billie and Melvyn Barker eliminated John Jeffery and Mark Linsdell by 7-
           5 setting up the Newby and Barker final. Early indications show that the raffle and entry fees pro-
           duced a total of £245 and as the winners of the competition get to choose where the money goes
           Terry and Karl selected The Big C Cancer charity.
                                          Norfolk appoint new County Manager
                                          Norfolk appoint new County Manager
                                          The NCSMBA have met to appoint a new Norfolk County Team Man-
                                          ager following the earlier announcement that current Manager Sel-
                                          wyn Goldsmith will not re-stand for the position once his current two
                                          year term finishes at the end of March.
                                                The Committee unanimously voted to appoint Simon Willies of
                                          East Tuddenham as County Manager from the 1st April with Keith
                                          Cooke of Halvergate as Assistant Manager. Goldsmith thanked the
                                          NCSMBA Committee for their great support over the six years that
                                          he has been Manager and said that he was sure that Simon Willies
                                          would receive the same level of support.
                                                ED - Simon had moved to Norfolk from the West Midland a few
                                          years ago and previously played for the West Midlands and also
            New Norfolk Manager           played for England for a Number of years. He has been a National
                 Simon Willies
                                          Triples winner on two occasions.

                                  Hi Bob,
                                        Times Up in the Winter issue. I would ask…..Did the other team get
                                  2 shots as no mention was made of this? Is the last end the last end
                                  played when the bell goes or the 9th end in this case? The organisers
                                  should make things clear at the start. They should stipulate for exam-
                                  ple:- ESMBA rules except jack off the mat 2 shots away in all ends ex-
                                  cept the 9th end when the jack will be replaced and the end played
            Readers Letters       again unless the bell has gone when it will be 2 shots away. The umpire
              and Emails.         was correct as maybe the jack could have been hit off several times and
                                  the game last another 15 minutes or so.
                                               Evan Williams

              Hi Evan, firstly as I pointed out, the problem was in Wales and the shots given or not given
              were not part of the problem when the Skip wanted the jack re-spotted.  The point was that
              the organisers had not spotted any potential problems in drawing up the rules of this particular
              event. So hopefully it was a lesson learned.
                    The last thing I would suggest to a Welshman is that they follow the English Rules!
              Whilst I am not keen on timed tournaments I fully understand why timed games are done if
              you want to finish a tournament in one day and I have played in many. Usually, in England
              such organisers specify using the English rules except for an instant penalty for a jack off the
              sides but they always miss one very important rule in a timed game tournament
                    This comes under ABSENTEE PLAYERS - a) if a player is absent from a side at the
              time laid down for the commencement of the game, a wait of 10 minutes may be al-
                    I have never heard any organiser in any timed game tournament exclude this rule but
              waiting 10 minutes for a game to start would really destroy the timings, so organisers please
              take note and make sure to exclude this rule in addition to the jack off the mat rule.
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