Page 38 - Summer Issue 2018 Final
P. 38

Norfolk 3:Layout 1  30/05/2018  07:09  Page 1

                   David Lamb retains Bure Singles title
            38     David Lamb retains Bure Singles title
                                                 The Bure Singles Championship Finals Night produced a re-
                                                 peat of last year with Halvergate’s David Lamb & East Tud-
                                                 denham’s Chris Mann meeting in the final hosted by
                                                 Horsford BC. It was an impressive last eight line-up that had
                                                 qualified for the finals night.
                                                      After the quarter finals had been completed, it was semi-
                                                 final time and the match between Chris Mann & Melly Woods
                                                 saw them tied at 5-5 after six ends. But after that Chris Mann
                                                 did not drop another shot as he completed a 13-5 win and a
                                                 place in the final yet again.
                                                      The  other  semi-final  between  David  Lamb  &  Simon
                                                 Willies went to the wire. Lamb scored singles on the first three
                                                 ends to lead 3-0 but Willies proved a tough opponent and with
                                                 nine ends played this low scoring game was level at 5-5. With
                                                 all to play for on the final end, and David Lamb holding shot,
                                                 Simon Willies was tempted into using weight to try and snatch
                                                 victory but the tactic failed and the defending champion David

              Bure Singles Champion             Lamb held on to his one shot to win 6-5 and set up a repeat of
                     David Lamb                 last year’s final.
                                                      The mat was then moved into a neutral position diago-
           nally across the floor for the final. With both players attempting to find the line on the first end
           David Lamb claimed a single. Lamb opened the second end by drawing a forehand bowl onto the
           jack and added a second and third to put Chris Mann under pressure. Mann then ran at the jack
           but hit the block and Lamb drew in to hold a full house. The head was still quite open but Chris
           Mann was slightly heavy with his attempted draw and his bowl ran past the head leaving Lamb 5-
           0 up. By the fourth end Lamb led 7 - 1.
                 Chris Mann was now playing more like his normal self and
           came right back into the game taking three shots on the fifth end
           to cut the deficit to 7-4. He looked set for another good end on
           the sixth before David Lamb drew in a perfect final bowl to lead
           8-4. On the seventh end Chris Mann settled for a single rejecting
           a chance to push the jack back for a possible three and another
           single followed on the eighth end to cut Lamb’s lead to 8-6.
                 An intriguing penultimate end saw both players having to
           draw close to the ditch line with the jack just in the ditch. The re-
           sult was Chris Mann emerging with two shots and the game was
           level at 8-8 going into the final end.
                 David Lamb got the early advantage by drawing two bowls
           to the jack which forced an attacking bowl from Chris Mann. Al-
           though he ditched the jack the end was still wide open and a                   Singles Finalist
           measure had to be called for to decide shot after all the bowls                  Chris Mann
           had been played. This left David Lamb with shot wood and he
           had retained the Bure Singles Championship title after an excellent final which also completed a
           hat-trick of Bure titles for Halvergate on successive evenings in the Bure Championships.
           Josh & Cookie on another level
           Josh & Cookie on another level

           The Finals Night of the Bure Pairs Championships were hosted by Windows and the evening
           turned out to be the Josh & Cookie Show as the Halvergate pair put on a superb display of short
           mat bowls to lift the title. Keith Cooke has been one of Norfolk’s most successful skips in recent
           years and his unflappable nature and sheer consistency made life difficult for his opponents
           throughout the evening.
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