Page 33 - Summer Issue 2018 Final
P. 33

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                                        CRUDWELL                                                              33
                                        SHORT MAT
                                        SHORT MAT
                                      BOWLS CLUB
                                      BOWLS CLUB
                                             WHAT A
                                             WHAT A
                                 Wiltshire’s winter short mat
                            bowls season came to an end on
            Saturday last when the winners and runners-up
            of the three internal Wiltshire County winter
            leagues came together to contest the Stevens
            Cup. After the dust had settled Crudwell came
            out on top to retain the title. Bromham were sec-
            ond and Trowbridge third.
                  For the eighth time Crudwell won the
            County League (North); the Curlews team also
            picked up the Malmesbury League championship                     Crudwell’s Club Captains
            and the Knock-out Cup. Joint Captain Anita
                                                                             Anita Smith & Julia Guest
            Smith and Brian Reynolds won the County over
            55s Pairs title. Geoff Lane was the runner-up in the County Singles and Anita, Geoff and Brian
            were also runners-up in the countywide triples. At the Malmesbury League end of season com-
            petitions finals, Les and Pam Baldry playing with Brian Ayres were runners-up in the Triples; Jan
            Edel and Mary Tidmarsh came second in the Pairs and Geoff Lane won the Singles.
                  Club competitions were very competitive as usual. Jan Edel, Jeremy White, joint captain
            Julia Guest, Neville Doel, Tony Hill, Anita Smith, Sheila Cornwallis, Mike Lynch and Geoff Lane
            claimed trophies. Brian Ayres was the club’s most improved Tuesday evening bowler and Mary
            Tidmarsh, the most improved Thursday afternoon player.
                  Crudwell always welcomes new bowlers, whether experienced or newcomers to our sport.
            Help and advice is available. The club plays in Crudwell Village Hall on Tuesday evenings (7.30
            -10pm), Thursday afternoons (2.30 – 5pm) and the first Sunday of the month (7.30 – 10pm).
            The club has its’ own website if you want more information. Short mat bowls is a skilful, compet-
            itive yet sociable game – give it a go – you will enjoy the experience.
                                  Geoff Lane Club secretary

                                          SUBMITTING YOUR ARTICLES OR NEWS
                                          SUBMITTING YOUR ARTICLES OR NEWS
                                          Please remember this is a quarterly magazine and it takes a lot of
                                          effort and particularly time to compile all the pages and fit them all
                                          together. In general it is first come first served, so the earlier you
                                          submit an item the better the chances of including it in the next mag-
                                          azine, rather than being rolled over.
                    As I have previously said, I can only produce a magazine if four pages are complete i.e.
              32, 36, 40 and so on as this is what the printing companies want.  If I end up with an odd page
              or two there is nothing I can do and have to delay inclusion.
                    I do my best with photographs but only in VERY exceptional circumstances will I include
              a photo without a FULL report and out of focus photos will seldom ever be included.
                    If you are not confident or need some help in compiling an article, all you have to do is
              ask and I will do my best.  Despite printing the magazine for over 25 years I would not consider
              myself to be a professional publisher. At best I consider myself semi-pro but always willing to
              learn and help as much as I can.  Doesn’t you sport deserve your best efforts?
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