Page 32 - Summer Issue 2018 Final
P. 32

North Devon:Layout 1  16/06/2018  11:13  Page 1

            32                       North Devon & North Cornwall
                                     North Devon & North Cornwall
                                     Short Mat Bowling Federation
                                     Short Mat Bowling Federation
              The North Devon and North Cornwall Short Mat Bowling  Federation was established in 1987
              to promote the game throughout the area.  Over the years it has grown to its present size of
              37 Clubs and over 500 players.  The geographical spread is from Stratton in the West to
              Anstey in the East; and from Ilfracombe in the North to Winkleigh in the South.  Players are
              all registered with the national governing body.

                            Winkleigh Winners                             Finalists Wick
                     Graham James, Lorraine Axtell                Grenville Gerry, Rob Phipps
                           and John Horsham                           and Brian Wonnacott

              The Final of this competition was played at Langtree SMBC.  After having lost the first end,
              the Winkleigh triple of Lorraine Axtell, John Horsham and Graham James quickly built up a
              lead and were 20 shots to 4 up by the half way stage against the Wick triple of Grenville Gerry,
              Brian Wonnacott and Rob Phipps.  In the second half of the match the Wick triple held their
              own, but were not able to close the gap, with Winkleigh running out winners by 30 shots to

                  WINKLEIGH SPITFIRES                                 YARNSCOMBE SMBC
                  WINKLEIGH SPITFIRES
                                                                      YARNSCOMBE SMBC

              After a 10 year wait Winkleigh Spitfires have won the Tony Stephens Trophy beating the cur-
              rent holders, Yarnscombe Eagles, with the last bowl of the last end of a thrilling match. The
              lead on both mats changed frequently as the match progressed with the position going into
              the last ends being Winkleigh in the lead by 2 shots on Mat 1 and by 1 shot on Mat 2.
                    Yarnscombe scored a 2 on the final end on Mat 1 to leave the score on that mat 15-15.
              With the last bowl on Mat 2 to be played by the Winkleigh skip, Yarnscombe were holding a
              single to leave the overall result at that stage as a draw.  The Winkleigh bowl turned another
              of their bowls into the head.  The resulting measure for shot gave Winkleigh shot bowl and a
              final score on that mat of 18-16.
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