Page 27 - Summer Issue 2018 Final
P. 27

Bedfordshire 4_Layout 1  22/06/2018  11:11  Page 1

                                      Hertfordshire County Carpet Bowls                                       27
                                      Hertfordshire County Carpet Bowls
                                       Craig Hearn wins 7th county singles title
                                       Craig Hearn wins 7th county singles title
                                       In the Hertfordshire County Singles Championship, held earlier this year,
                                       in the last 16 Craig Hearn from the Symonds Green Club met Mike Ben-
                                       nett from Braughing and brushed him aside 12 - 1. Craig then met Marilyn
                                      Cook from Stanstead Abbotts and again won very comfortably at 11 - 2.
                                    in the semi-final Hearn met another Stanstead Abbots player, Peter Cook,
                                 and was pushed a little more but still won 10 - 5.
            In the other half of the draw, David Danby from Braughing edged through his last 16 game by 10
            - 6 against Andy Cobbold from Stanstead Abbotts. In a very close quarter final, Danby beat Ron
            Hart of Symonds Green 8 - 7. It was the same in his semi final with another 8 - 7 win, this time
            over Neil Tuckey of Symonds Green. In the final, David Danby tried hard but couldn’t prevent Craig
            Hearn from lifting the 7th Hertfordhire Singles title by 14 shots to 6.
            Braughing win County Triples
            Braughing win County Triples
            David Danby featured in County Triples and with his partners Mike Bennett, Roy Grethe won the
            county triples after defeating Dave Smith, Stuart Palmer and Andy Cobbold (Symonds Green /
            Stanstead Abbotts) in a good final. Special congratulations to Mike Bennett who secured his very
            first county title. The triple will now go on to represent Hertfordshire at the ECCBA and ECBA
            champion of champions events.
                           Peter Cook

                                                                     A MESSAGE TO
                                                                     A MESSAGE TO
                                                                  CARPET BOWLERS
                                                                  CARPET BOWLERS
                                                     I need your stories and news on these pages.
                                                     There is no staff only me and I have been
                                                     publishing the magazine for over 25 years. I
                                                     am delighted to cover Carpet Bowls at last,
                                                     which I regards as a very skilful game.
                                                           I would stress that my English is only av-
               erage but with software that checks both it and my spelling I can produce

               this magazine to a reasonable standard, checking everyone else’s stories
               along the way.
                     I have “Ghost Written” a number of articles over the years with people
               sending the details of their event along with photos of the winners and run-
               ners-up and the scorecards for say the Quarter Finals onwards or the rel-
               evant scoresheets. I accept it will take a while to build up the Carpet Bowls
               content but with your help we can make it work
                     No sport can really progress without publicity and shrinking numbers
               is something that has sadly affected most forms of bowls. If you need to

               know more please contact me for a chat and I can also send you a help
               sheet for those who wish to write their own articles. Just contact me for a
               chat if you want to know more.
                                        Bob Weafer  Tel:  0121 - 286 - 9449
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