Page 25 - Summer Issue 2018 Final
P. 25

Bedfordshire 2:Layout 1  29/05/2018  20:08  Page 1

              On end 5 - Clophill held 2 as Andrew runs into the head and clips the jack to his black        25
              bowls on the side. Tony Meredith replied by running the black bowl off and picks up 2
              shots. to get back in the final at 3-6. On end 6 Turvey bounced holding 2 shots after Paul Hur-
              ran finds the Jack but neither skip altered the head so it's 2 shots and the score is now 8-3 to
              Turvey. On end 7 Clophill kept trying and held 2 but Andrew then clipped the jack to the side
              to hold 2. Tony attempts to move the wood but is tight and he pushes another for 3 to Turvey
              and a commanding 11-3 scoreline.
                    On end 8 Clophill needed a big count but Turvey were wise to this. Paul Hurran drew s
              in for 2 and then they cover the Clophill woods to take 2 shots and the title with a comfortable
              13-3 score. Well done to both teams another excellent final played in a fantastic manner. Fi-
              nally thanks for all coming on a snowy day your support was appreciated by the organisers.
              COUNTY FOURS
              COUNTY FOURS
              On the Sunday 18 teams played for the title at Barton le Clay, they were drawn into 3 groups
              of 6 with the group winners and best runner up proceeding to the semi-finals. In Group A after
              three games this group was led by the defending Champions from Barton skipped by Neil
              Rixon with three wins could they be stopped? They won their final two games to go through
                                                                        on 10 points.
                                                                        In Group B the Turvey rink skipped by
                                                                        Keith Cockings were 8 points after 4
                                                                        sessions but with everyone else trip-
                                                                        ping over each other they had quali-
                                                                        fied  so  a  final  defeat  by  Maulden
                                                                        wasn’t a disaster as they progressed.
                                                                              In  Group  C  the  closest  of  the
                                                                        groups saw Toddington and Ravens-
                                                                        den skipped by Sue Bullins and Mike
                                                                        Dowse fighting to win the group and
                                                                        tied after 3 sessions on 5 points. Nei-
                           Fours Winners Barton                         ther could win both their final games
                                                                        to take group so finished on 7 points
              each. Shot count would sort this and Ravensden went through on +15. The best runner-up to
              progress from the 3 groups was Sue Bullins' Toddington team on 7 points.
                    In the Semi-Finals,  Ravensden (Mike Dowse) faced Toddington (Sue Bullins). This
              match saw a repeat of the group game but was much closer after 4 ends and it was 2-2 with
              three to play. Who could get the advantage? Toddington edged a single on the 5th end then
              2 on the sixth saw them 5-2 up and then a close end saw Toddington take another single to
              win 6-2.
                    In the other semi-final Barton (Neil Rixon ) played Turvey (Keith Cockings). After 4 ends
              Barton held a 6-2 lead the 5th end saw the Turvey skip in trouble, 1 down with his last wood
              to go, he played a running bowl and saw the shot wood pushed onto jack only to lose a count
              of 4 and go 10-2 down. The 6th end saw Turvey take the 4 back to trail 10-6 but the margin
              was too much and they could only 2 shots, leaving Barton as 10-8 winners.
                    In the Final, the Barton team of Barrie Nunn, Ron Worsnop, Leslie Nunn & Neil Rixon)
              were set against Toddington’s Gill Whitfield, Pauline Hanson, David Whitfeld and Sue Bullins.
              On the first end, Oh my!! Both leads go and there's nothing on mat as final carpet is fast and
              takes them by surprise. Ron nails it with his 2nd though, and as both skips play Neil draws a
              second then a third as Barton lead 3-0.
                    End 2. Barrie and Ron find the jack to hold three but Leslie knocks the closest Toddington
              wood in to cut it to a single. Sue narrowly misses the head and Barton lead 4-0. End 3. Leslie
              finds the jack to hold two but David removes one of them and Sue clips the jack across to her
              own wood to take a single but is unable to draw her last in for a two so Barton lead 4- .1.
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