Page 30 - Summer Issue 2018 Final
P. 30

Worthing:Layout 1  16/06/2018  09:38  Page 1

                                                                                      Colin Isles 
                                     WORTHING LEAGUE
            30                       WORTHING LEAGUE                                  Colin Isles 
                                                                                  Celebration 5's
                                                                                  Celebration 5's
                                                                               A charity tournament was held
                                                                               at West Park School to cele-
                                                                               brate 25 years of the Worthing
                                                                               Short Mat Bowls League and to
                                                                               recognise  the  contribution
                                                                               made  to  the  game  by  Colin
                                                                               Isles who sadly passed away in
                                                                                     The     event      opened
             Winners Tarring - Val Blanks, Keith Hope, Bill Brown,             promptly at 9am with everyone
               Doreen Carver, Ruth Reece and Barabara Russell                  ready to play, although initially

             there had been some concern as there was a delay in the opening of the venue which caused
             some anxiety. Fortunately the organisation team managed to keep everything on track and
             start on time.
                   The  event  format  was
             one that had not been played
             by the League for a number of
             years  and  the  teams  taking
             part consisted of 5 players in
             one team, 2 playing Pairs and
             3 playing Triples. The scores of
             both the Pairs and the Triples
             were added together and pro-
             vided  the  end  result  of  the
             game.                                 Runners Up East Preston - Hazel Comber, Dave Willis,
                   A total of 14 clubs from             Maureen Davies, Jeff Nash and David Davies
             across the Worthing District took part and each club played 6 games within 2 separate groups
             with the winners of each group playing each other to decide the overall winner. It was estimated
             that throughout the day nearly 100 people were at the venue either playing or watching. Due
             to the number of teams and the volume of games, play was continuous throughout the day.
             Concern had been expressed that due to the structure of the event with the changeover of
             players and playing in different halls that confusion would cause delay.
                   Thankfully everyone coped with the format and no problems were encountered. This
             meant that the tournament kept to time and the final took place as scheduled. The final took
             place between East Preston and Tarring both clear winners in their respective groups. East
             Preston had an impressive result as they won all 6 games in their group, with Tarring taking
             top place in their group by winning 5 games.
                   The final was well contested with little between the teams after the Pairs and all rested
             on the last end of the Triples. At this stage the score was 9 shots each but Tarring managed to
             draw the last bowl of the end and score 1 shot. The final result was East Preston 9 and Tarring
             10 making Tarring the winners of the 2018 Colin Isles Celebration 5’s. A fitting result as Colin
             for many years was the mainstay of Tarring SMBC.
                   As all the money from the event subject to expenses was to be given to charity all team
             fees were put into the pot along with the amount raised by the raffle which was a magnificent
             £150. Thank you to Heene – Woodside for all their efforts. The final total raised on the day was
             £580 and through an arrangement with Santander we are hoping to receive a further £500 giv-
             ing us a grand total of over £1000. Thank you to all who took part and helped to raise such a
             large amount without all of the Clubs involvement none of this would have been possible.
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