Page 4 - Layout 1
P. 4
Page 4:Layout 1 09/04/2015 08:31 Page 1
The cover features thing but most things I let issue has two reports from
4 The cover features
Sweden and Nor- slide and there have been him. So why don’t you do the
Sweden and Nor-
way after the first ever quite a number of sliders over same? Club news is vital to
way after the first ever
match between them. the years. the magazine.
match between them.
I will not publish letters
I would stress that ALL
SHORT MAT CHAT or articles on the team selec- photos must have an article
We have some new sub- tion in your club or county as attached or they will not be
scribers this month after the these are basically internal published as this is not like a
ESMBA sent out nearly 800 matters that can’t be solved in Picture Post, for those who
magazines. Whilst the per- the magazine. remember it. I will give all the
centage return is small in I don’t think my occa- help and advice I can in pre-
comparison, it’s always great sional adverse comments senting an article, all you
to welcome new readers. ever sat well with the previ- have to do is ask! DO NOT ad-
This is my 23rd year of ous Chairman of the ESMBA just them in any way.
publishing the magazine, as things had been going As to the photos them-
which until recently I thought downhill for some time. I selves, they must be un-
would be my last but now the know that the new Chairman touched and in their original
ESMBA want to use it - on- Barry Hedges wishes our size and condition as they
wards and upwards. Basically sport to start progressing came from the camera.
the magazine is kept afloat by after years of stagnation. I have an item about Sin-
advertising and funds from Barry’s task will NOT be gapore’s pushing of bowls
my Short Mat holidays. an easy one and I wish him using Short Mats. Sweden’s
I used up most of my re- well and would ask everyone Tommy Dahlgren has also
serve funds paying for the in England to have patience, written about the emerging
ESMBA’s magazines, so all as it will take time to correct Short Mat Nation of Norway.
donations gratefully received. the recent past and to get his I would like to think that
One of the many difficul- committee to start communi- the growth of our sport out-
ties in publishing a magazine cating with the grass roots of side the UK was helped by
is that I sometimes get com- our sport, as we ALL want to those of us in the UK, as it is
plaints both verbal and in know what’s going on. certainly in our long term in-
writing about our National As- I was never advised be- terests but sadly I’m afraid
sociations and these are not fore about news and forth- not and that’s a topic for an-
always easy to handle but I try coming items the only other time.
not to censure items. comment I got was “It’s on As to those that think I
Whilst I am a huge sup- the website”, where they put produce the magazine in
porter of all National Associa- so called press release, which order to sell holidays, both
tions, they don’t always get never actually got sent to the Yvonne and I know that after
everything right (in my opin- press! And this is still not checking carefully for a num-
ion of course and neither do I) working at the moment. ber of years, we do not sell
and I have to pass on the I didn’t even know about any more holidays by produc-
views of readers and I some- the European Champi- ing the magazine. The maga-
times chip in one way or an- onships, which will have been zine is produced for the good
other myself. held by the time you read this. of our sport only.
I have tried very hard Seamus Kyne of the Irish Recommendations by
over the years not to make Association also wants to word of mouth is what works
the magazine my personal maximise publicity by the for us. However, we have to
mouthpiece even though I IIBA and as ever Michael justify in our accounts any ex-
feel very strongly about the O’Shaugnessy sends in his penditure we incur on the
way the ESMBA has previ- Cork Zone reports. magazine so we include some
ously been run and the Steve Killington advertising and the stories of
sport’s lack of marketing. amongst others has also our events.
If I feel strongly enough been a regular correspondent Weaf
on a topic I may say some- for a number of years and this