Page 40 - Spring 2019
P. 40

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                                                                                   People taking on a variety of
                                                                                   activities, including Zumba,
                                                                                   boccia and walking rugby –
                                                                                   as  well  as  more  traditional
                                                                                   sports  –  will  register  their
                                                                                   time spent exercising each
                                                                                   week, with that figure being
                                                                                   converted into miles.
                                                                                         Anyone      completing
                                                                                   100  hours  of  exercise  will
                                                                                   have completed their round-
                                                                                   the-world  trip,  with  land-
                                                                                   marks     along    the    way
                                                                                   including 20 hours for cross-
             ing the UK and 40 for Europe – with participants receiving ‘postcards’ to recognise their achieve-
             ment in reaching significant landmarks along their journey. Pilot schemes have already shown
             the programme to be a success with Vijay Patel turning a 30-minute lunchtime run into the con-
             fidence he needed to get a job.
                   Those with learning disabilities are twice as likely to be obese and have, on average, a
             17-year reduced life expectancy “Taking part in Round The World Challenge has made me so
             confident and helped me get a paid job,” he said. “I feel so much fitter and I’ve made loads of
             friends. I now play in a five-a-side football team where I am the top goal-scoring striker. “Thank
             you to players from the National Lottery for giving us the money to help more people like me get
                   The £1.7 million project will be majority funded by our £1 million investment of National
             Lottery money, with the sessions at each hub being run by specially trained staff and volunteers
             to ensure participants feel welcome and encouraged. As well as the health benefits of increasing
             physical activity levels, research has shown that getting those with a learning disability involved
             in sport can have a positive impact on the rest of their life. By week 20 of a pilot scheme none
             of the participants said they felt worried, sad or unhappy.
                   “This unique partnership between Mencap and Sport England offers the chance for people
             with learning disabilities to be-
             come  more  engaged  with
             other people and social activ-
             ity,    something      Mencap
             strongly  believes  in,”  said
             Mencap  chief  executive  Jan
             Tregelles. “Exercise is for ev-
             eryone and can have positive
             benefits  including  extended
             social interaction.” Our Active
             Lives  Adult  surveys  have
             shown  that  43.1%  of  adults
             with  learning  disabilities  are
             classed as inactive, compared
             to the national average of 25.2%.
                                   “We must make sport and physical activity
                                   “We must make sport and physical activity
                                 an attractive and accessible lifestyle choice”
                                 an attractive and accessible lifestyle choice”
                                  Said chief  executive Tim Hollingsworth
                                  Said chief  executive Tim Hollingsworth
             Those with a learning disability are also twice as likely to become obese, five times more likely
             to be morbidly obese and on average will die 17 years before those without a learning disabil-
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