Page 37 - Spring 2019
P. 37

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             However, Trevor, Tessa & John were not to be out-                                              37
             done and scored a three to get back within two
             shots.  Needing a two to draw or a three to win they
             could only manage a single and thus went down to
             Richard  Williams,  Barrie  Goodchild  &  Richard
             Kitchener by the narrow margin of 11 - 10.
                   In  the  Pairs,  Richard  &  Barrie  were  once
             again in fine form, winning their quarter final 13 -
             2. Mike Davis & Cynthia Riley had a comfortable
             11 - 5, as did Michael & Anthea Bell by 11 - 4. Com-
             pleting the quarter finals, Rene Morgan & Gerald
             Williams won 8 - 5.
                   In  the  semi-finals,  Richard  &  Barrie  were
             once again in good form and beat Rene & Gerald
             9 - 6. A similar scoreline (8-6) saw Mike Davis &
             Cynthia Riley through to the final but not before            Pairs winners Richard Williams
             they recovered from 6 - 5 down against Anthea &                 and Barrie Goodchild with
             Michael Bell.                                                   Mike Davis & Cythia Riley
                   In the final, Richard & Barrie recovered from 0-3 to take the next four ends to lead 8-3 and
             they never looked back eventually winning 10 - 5 with the last end unplayed. Thus, Richard
             Williams became only the second player in 23 years to win all three tournaments, no mean feat.
                                Next year will see us returning to a Spring Break

                                  as well as an Autumn Break at the Langstone
                      10th - 14th February 2019 £259   30th Nov. - 4th Dec. 2019 £259

                          T T h he e   L La an ng gs st to on ne e   C Cl li if ff f    H Ho ot te el l

                                                                                 Mat Holidays
                 2 23 3   c co on nt ti in nu uo ou us s   y ye ea ar rs s   o of f    S Sh ho or r t t   Mat Holidays

                                           way Leisure on 0121 286 9449
                  T Te el l: :   B Br r e ea ak ka away Leisure on 0121 286 9449
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