Page 34 - Spring 2019
P. 34

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              34                                                  POTTERS AUTUMN
                                                                  POTTERS AUTUMN
                                                      As usual the opening evening consisted of a “get to know
                                                      everyone” friendly but competitive bowls drive. The win-
                                                      ners were Ted Nolan, Pat Cruickshank, Bob Clarridge &
                                                      Fred Douglas.
                                                            The after Dinners 2-bowl Singles was a highly com-
                                                      petitive event. At the Quarter final stage Tony Taylor elim-
                                                      inated Bob Clarridge 8 - 3. His namesake but no relative
                                                      Dave Taylor beat Dave Baker 8 - 2. The other two quar-
                                                      ters were all-ladies affairs, with Barbara French winning
                                                      7 - 3 and Mary Paddy edging past Diana Adams 7 - 6.
                                                            At the semi-final stage, Mary Paddy pushed Dave
                 Two of the Drive Winners             Taylor all the way but couldn’t prevent him winning 7 -6.
                 Bob Clarridge & Ted Nolan            Barbara French did exactly the same but lost out to Tony
                                                      Taylor 5-4 in a very tight match.
                                                            The all-Taylor final was as expected a great final.
                                                      At one stage Dave Taylor held a comfortable 7-3 lead in
                                                      this 2-bowl affair but a determined Tony Taylor fought
                                                      back to within one shot only to lose 7-6 in the end.
                                                            Fred & Molly Douglas started with a walk-over in
                                                      their quarter final as their opponents got the time wrong.
                                                      Meanwhile, Lonnie & Maureen Fyson clawed their way
                                                      back from 3-10, taking the closing four ends to level the
                                                      match at 10 all. They continued this form into the sudden
                                                      death extra end to beat Donna Mills & Bob Burrage 12 -
                                                            Margaret Rea & Bob Cousins had a four-end nine
                                                      shot purple patch in the middle of their match to beat
                                                      Dave & Joan Taylor 11-4. In their match Liz Mitchel &
                Singles Winner Dave Taylor            Sandra Smith were in sparkling form, eliminating their op-
                 & Potters Darren Gregory             ponents 15 - 2.
                                                            In their semi-final Liz & Sandra had a very hard
                                                                     fought match with Fred & Molly Douglas.
                                                                     At one stage they were 5 - 8 with just two
                                                                     ends to play but two two’s ensured their 9-
                                                                     8 victory. Margaret Rea & Bob Cousins led
                                                                     5-0 after just two ends and then 9-3 after
                                                                     four but Lonnie & Maureen Fyson clawed
                                                                     their way back into the match and by end
                                                                     eight they were level at 9 all but a couple
                                                                     of singles to Bob & Margaret gave them an
                                                                     11-9 victory.
                                                                          The  final  as  expected  was  a  very
                                                                     close low scoring affair as each pair battled
                                                                     for every shot. With just the last end to play
                                                                     the score was 5-5 but a last end single
                                                                     gave Liz Mitchell & Sandra Smith a 6-5
                                                                        win. In the Triples quarter finals, Simon
               Pairs Champions Liz Mitchell & Sandra Smith
                        with Potters Darren Gregory                     Briggs,  David  Lane  &  Bob  Clarridge
                                                                        started off with a sparkling 13-5 victory.
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