Page 29 - Spring 2019
P. 29

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                                                  English Carpet Bowls                                      29
                                                  English Carpet Bowls
                                         National County Championship
                                         National County Championship
                                 After two full days intensive play, in the 18th and final session, with the title
                                 already decided in Suffolk’s favour, the final session was all about the fight
                                 for second place.
                                       Although Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire were tied on points, Herts
             had a considerable shot advantage. Winning all three games would definitely get the job done
             and that was exactly what happened, so the fact that Cambridgeshire dropped one of their
             games didn't come into it.
                                                                          Hertfordshire's  success  in  the  final
              FINAL TABLE                                           session came at the expense of Bedford-
               FINAL TABLE
                                                                    shire who had suffered a difficult second
                                                                    day, totalling only 8 points, the one bright
                                                                    spot being the session against Sunderland
                                                                    which brought them 3 of their day's 4 wins.
                                                                          After being part of a three way tussle
                                                                    on Sunday Durham pulled clear of Beds on
                                                                    Sunday, lifting themselves off the bottom to
                                                                    finish 8th.
                                                                          If Sunderland thought that their Sat-
                                                                    urday had been poor, Sunday turned out to
                                                                    be even worse, they only took 14 points all
                                                                    day and 7th place will have been a disap-
             pointment to the and a surprise to everyone else.
                   Just 2 points off the bottom overnight Northumberland had a tremendous Sunday, scoring
             29 points, they finished 10 points clear of Sunderland in 6th place, their best result at the Na-
             tionals since 2012.
                   Essex looked to be in the fight for a top 3 spot overnight but a repeat of 2017's 5th was the
             best they could do as the teams ahead all outscored them on Sunday.
                   Having picked up second place last year, fourth was the best Norfolk could manage, having
             said that they overtook Essex on Sunday and were only 5 points down on last year's total.
                   The best performing team on Sunday were Cambridgeshire with 34 points, unfortunately
             after Saturday they had left themselves with a little too much to do, so it was another 3rd place
             finish for them this year.
                   Seventh in 2016, fourth in 2017 and now second in 2018 for Hertfordshire and it might
             have been still better if not for Sunday's third session which saw them pick up just one point
             against Suffolk. If that result had been reversed they could well have been going home with the
             trophy. Having said that this was by far and away their best showing in the Nationals and they'll
             be the team to watch next year.
                   But it was Suffolk that held on to take a 6th successive win. After a very good Saturday
             they started very poorly on Sunday, although they finally pulled themselves together in the af-
             ternoon to only just be outscored by their nearest opponents on Day 2. On paper a winning mar-
             gin of 9 points may look comfortable, but it was anything but that in reality and they can certainly
             expect another tough fight next year.
             Essex Carpet Pairs
             The annual Essex Pairs Competition took place at Braintree Leisure Centre with 19 Groups of
             four taking part with the 19 Group Winners and the 13 Best Runners Up proceeding to the knock
             out stages.
                   After some further good and close matches the Semi Finals were between Diane & Peter
             Orrin of Highwoods Red 2 and v Mike Rushmer & Colin Lord of Sewards End. This turned out
             to be, as expected, a high quality and close match.
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