Page 27 - Spring 2019
P. 27

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             The third fourth playoff was won by Forncett’s Mike Smail,        27
             Bryan Preece and Tony Ottewell who edged out Thorpe Mar-
             riott’s Janet Pinchen and Carleton Rode’s Terry Newby and Karl
             Newby 7-6 in a tight match.
                   The semi-finals saw Gary Best come from 0-5 down to beat
             Tony Ottewell 12-5 while Neil Davidson beat Karl Newby 12-3.
             Quarter final results were T. Ottewell 9 B. Oatway 7, K. Newby 7
             M. Woods 3, C. Mann 9 K. Cooke 6 J. Sparham 3 G. Best 10.
             Walker, Lamb, Cooke and Lamb
             Walker, Lamb, Cooke and Lamb
                                                                                         Triples Finalists
             claim second mixed fours title                                              Triples Finalists
             claim second mixed fours title
                                                               Thorpe  Marriott's  Jenny  Walker  along  with
                                                               Halvergate's  Donna  Lamb,  Keith  Cooke  and
                                                               David Lamb won back the county mixed fours
                                                               title from Wymondham's Debbie Sparham, Chris
                                                               Mann  and  Jon  Sparham  playing  with  Deaf
                                                               Sports' Laura Hawkworth, who had last won the
                                                               title in the 2017/18 season.
                                                                    A  brace  scored  on  the  first  end  by
                                                               Sparham was wiped out by end three which in
                                                               the  context  of  the  match  proved  decisive.
                                                               Sparham's four held three shots but a superb
                       Mixed Fours Winners                     draw round the back of the jack by David Lamb
                       Mixed Fours Winners
             gave his four shot and levelled the score at 3-3 in-
             stead of it being 1-5. Another brace picked up by
             Sparham on end four looked to have put the dis-
             appointment behind them but back came Lamb's
             four who won the remaining four ends, for a de-
             served 9-4 win.
                   The  third-fourth  playoff  was  won  by
             Wymondham's  Hayley  Osborne,  Billie  Barker,
             Jack Marshall and Melvyn Barker who beat East
             Tuddenham's Elaine Willies, Bob Carter's Jean
             Woods and Jason Woods and East Tuddenham's                       Mixed Fours Finalists
                                                                              Mixed Fours Finalists
             Simon Willies 10-6 with three three's in the match.
             The semi-finals saw Sparham beat Willies 13-2 while Lamb had beaten Barker 8-2.
             Ryan Fox retains under 18's crown
             Ryan Fox retains under 18's crown
                                                           Halvergate's  Ryan  Fox  was  again  the  standout
                                                           player in the under 18's national qualifier after a
                                                           100% record of six wins from six. The format was a
                                                           round robin played twice with four players in total.
                                                           Fox's first win was against County Council's Jack
                                                           Gray winning 14-2 then he beat Thetford's Kieran
                                                           Suffolk 13-3 and rounded off the first group with a
                                                           13-3 win over Chloe Suffolk also from Thetford. The
                                                           next round of group games saw similar results of 14-
                     Ryan Fox, Jack Gray,              3, 10-3 and 13-2 to Fox as he eased to victory and being
                     Ryan Fox, Jack Gray,
               Chloe Suffolk & Kieran Suffolk          a regular county player now this was expected with his
               Chloe Suffolk & Kieran Suffolk
                                                       experience. Thetford's Chloe Suffolk finished the first
             round of group games having won against her brother Keiran on the last end by 8-7 and drew
             against Jack Gray 4-4 in a tight match. The second round of group games saw another draw
             this time against Kieran and a 15-2 win against Gray sealed second place for Chloe.
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