Page 32 - Spring 2019
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                          Surrey’s Silver Jubilee
                          Surrey’s Silver Jubilee

             All county organisations have milestones and for Surrey County SMBA, Sunday 14th November
             1993 is one of our key ones. It signifies the playing of the first ever County match; a friendly
             played against Southampton & District SMBA, down in Hampshire.
                                                                Following the creation of the Association itself
                                                          at the tail-end of 1992, Jason Reynolds, who was the
                                                          County’s first Competition and Match Secretary, set
                                                          about planning a list of competitive friendlies so that
                                                          the basis of a representative county side could then
                                                          compete in the ICC’s.
                                                                The game itself took place in November 1993,
                                                          played in a rinks format, with Surrey running out win-
                                                          ners by a total of 96 shots to 63. So, to commemo-
                                                          rate such a significant date, a celebration was held
                                                          at Wey Valley Bowls Club, the present-day home of
                                                          Surrey short mat, to mark the 25th anniversary of the
                                                          inaugural match.
                                                                More than eighty bowlers, from past and pre-
                                                          sent, gathered on 18th November for a few ends of
                                                          bowls, a sumptuous lunch and a chance to reminisce
                                                          about what we have achieved over the last quarter
                                                          of a century.
                                                                With the passing of time, many of the original
                                                          squad  are  either  no  longer  bowling  or,  sadly,  no
                                                             longer with us but there were three of the original
                 Three of  the Surrey founding
                 Three of  the Surrey founding               side – Roger Smith, Norman Crawley and Jason
                   fathers, Norman Crawley,                  Reynolds – bowling in the Silver Jubilee match as
                   fathers, Norman Crawley,
               Reg Rapley and Jason Reynolds
               Reg Rapley and Jason Reynolds
                   The  County’s  first  President,  Reg
             Rapley,  gave  a  speech  explaining  the
             background of the early days of the Asso-
             ciation  and  the  current  President,  Bill
             Hames, gave an overview of Surrey as it
             stands today. There have been high and
             lows,  successes  and  failures  along  the
             way, but it’s never been dull. Here’s to the
             next quarter of a century!
                   Jason Reynolds
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