Page 39 - Spring 2019
P. 39

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             and volunteering is not the norm,” said the organisation’s chief executive, Nick Pearson.      39
             “Our growth over the past 14 years has been organic and to a large degree dictated by
             community demand, not need.
                   “If we are to realise our target of increasing the number of parkrun events by one third in
             socially deprived areas in England over the next three years, we require a level of investment
             that will allow us to be proactive rather than organic in our approach. “We are now in a posi-
             tion to build on our message and encourage more people to walk, jog, run and volunteer at
             our events by growing into new areas and engaging new audiences.”
              Major investment to increase activity
              Major investment to increase activity
             Ten national governing bodies (NGBs) have been given more support to help people keep or
             develop  their  sporting  habit.
             More than £16 million will be
             spent  on  the  10  sports  over
             the  next  two  years  to  help
             work  Towards  an Active  Na-
                   The  10  NGBs  will  use
             their awards across everything
             from tackling inactivity to de-
             veloping  talented  athletes.
             While  many  NGBs  were
             awarded  full  funding  for  the
             2017-21 period two years ago,
             these 10 were awarded initial
             funds but also given another two years to develop business cases or illustrate positive results
             before applying for further funding in the 2019-21 period to continue to help people get, or re-
             main, active.
                   Angling Trust, Baseball Softball UK, the British Equestrian Federation, the England and
             Wales Cricket Board, England Netball and Volleyball England will focus their resources on main-
             taining and building their existing base of participants. While British Cycling and Exercise Move-
             ment and Dance UK will prioritise recruiting those people who regularly dip in and out of exercise
             and Swim England will look to engage the quarter of the adult population who do fewer than 30
             minutes of physical activity a week.
                   The final investments will see Volleyball England, British Fencing and England Netball
             focus on supporting their talented or high performance athletes. “Millions of people love sport
             and take part regularly and we don’t take their commitment for granted," said our executive di-
             rector of sport Phil Smith. "Even the most enthusiastic people can sometimes find it hard to
             maintain the habit, especially when life gets in the way.
             “This funding of national governing bodies is to help increase the number of people engaged in
             sport, through investing in clubs, coaches, facilities, equipment and new ways to play. “Alongside
             this, some of our investment will support talented athletes to fulfil their potential, such as the
             England Netball team, who are heading in to a home World Cup this year with high hopes.”
                           People with learning disabilities given
                           People with learning disabilities given
                         help to get active and boost confidence.
                         help to get active and boost confidence.
                        New Mencap project encourages participants to turn
                        New Mencap project encourages participants to turn
                            exercise into miles and journey round the world
                            exercise into miles and journey round the world
             More than 4,000 people with learning disabilities are being invited to take on a new Round the
             World Challenge as we invest £1 million over three years with Mencap. A total of 27 participation
             hubs will be set up across England with the aim of inspiring and assisting people with learning
             disabilities to get active in a fun, flexible and empowering way.
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