Page 10 - UIG Comp Plan Guide v5
P. 10



             Generation Bonuses are a great earning        are paid are based on your Paid-As Title.
             opportunity for your critical leadership role   The higher your Paid-As Title, the greater

             in mentoring the Agents throughout your       your earning potential.
             entire downline.
                                                           Leadership Rewards are paid in addition
             As a Senior Sales Director or higher title,   to any other commissions or bonuses          A Generation begins with an Agent in
             you are paid a Generation Bonus on the        you might already be earning. As your        your downline with a Career Title of
                                                                                                        Senior Sales Director or higher, and in-
             Commissionable Sales of the generations       influence reaches through your entire
                                                                                                        cludes everyone in their downline down
             that develop in your downline. The number     organization, your earnings will reflect     to, but not including the next Career
             of generations and the percentages you        your positive leadership.                    Title Senior Sales Director or higher.

                                         SENIOR           DIVISION          DISTRICT          REGIONAL           SENIOR           EXECUTIVE
                                     SALES DIRECTOR        LEADER            LEADER        VICE PRESIDENT    VICE PRESIDENT    VICE PRESIDENT

                     GENERATION 1          1%               3%                4%                4%                4%                 4%

                     GENERATION 2                                             3%                4%                4%                 4%

                     GENERATION 3                                                                3%               4%                 4%

                     GENERATION 4                                                                                  3%                4%

                     GENERATION 5                                                                                                    3%

   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15