Page 8 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 8
4. What makes your DMC unique in
comparison to others?
Hello Destination Management is a privately
held, family owned Destination
Management Company. Our Purpose is to
serve meeting and event planners by
delivering logistically sound solutions, We are the company who is willing to take
creative ideas, and outstanding guest the risk to do something unexpected. We
experiences. We listen first, and in don’t take “no” for an answer. We truly think
consultation with you we define your goals outside of the preverbal box and aim to do
and craft the best design solutions to the things that others would not consider.
achieve success. Integral to this process is At the end of the program we want the
our understanding of the strengths, group to resoundingly say that this was the
weaknesses and flexibility of our local best trip to date. We intend to accomplish
suppliers and venues. this through our unique perspective, hard
work and determination to deliver the best.
There are a three primary reasons why
Hello! is different than our competitors AND Additional differentiators:
the right choice for you. People, Creativity • Hello! employs a proven, proprietary
and Technology. First, we attract and retain step by step process for executing each of
the best people to join our team. Nobody the services required within your program.
will out work us. We adhere to the highest For example, Hello!’s 9 Steps of Execution
standards of integrity, performance and for On and Off Property Events.
professional development. Secondly, we • Comprehensive local resources that
believe that being in a creative environment have been researched and vetted by our
exposes our people to creative solutions. Product Development, Risk Management
We want our people to take risks in the and Operations teams.
pursuit of creativity. Finally, we have and • Full-time, award winning event design
continue to develop and acquire the best team inclusive of Event
technology available. And, although you Designers/Producers, Graphic Artists,
won’t necessarily be directly involved in our Copywriters, diagramming and rendering
technology, you will feel it in our delivery, capabilities.
efficiency and expertise. • Complete contract administration:
negotiation, risk-bearing signatory and
• $20M of liability coverage,
significantly higher (4x) than the industry
standard (engaged when Hello! contracts
with suppliers).
• Financially sound company with a
perfect credit history since 1939.
Hello! Destination Management 8