Page 4 - Thunderbolt 5-29-15
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4 May 29, 2015                                                          SPOTLIGHT                                                                                Thunderbolt

                                                                                                              YC offers summer camp,
                                                                                                              youth, teen programs

35 senior airmen graduate ALS                                                                                    School’s out for summer.             IXQGDPHQWDOEDVNHWEDOOVNLOOVIURP
                                                                                                                 7KH/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH<RXWK       7RP.X\SHUIRUPHU$68EDVNHW-
   The 56th Fighter Wing Airman Leadership      56th Equipment                                                Programs and School-Age Program         EDOO SOD\HU GXULQJ WKH ZHHNORQJ
School graduated 35 senior airmen May 14 from   Maintenance Squadron                                          LQYLWHV /XNH PHPEHUV WR UHJLVWHU   EDVNHWEDOO FDPS  WR  SP -XQH
class 15-4.                                                                                                   their children and youth, ages 6        WKURXJK$QRQUHIXQGDEOHIHH
                                                Michael Alstrin, Buddy Delcour, Dustin Hove,                  WRLQDYDULHW\RIZHHNORQJ<3    RIIRU<3PHPEHUVDQGIRU
   The award winners are:                       Shanon Lair, Nicholas Lemm, Jessica Reitano                   summer camps, and/or the all-day        QRQPHPEHUV LV GXH DW VLJQXS QR
John L. Levitow Award: Noah Bolton, 56th        and Derek Williams                                            SAP Summer Fun Camp for grades          later than June 5.
Operations Support Squadron                                                                                   1 through 6. The camps are safe,        &KDOOHQJHU 6SRUWV %ULWLVK 6RF-
Distinguished graduates: Jared Clark,           56th Aircraft                                                 DIIRUGDEOHDQGRIIHUIXQLQOHDUQLQJ   FHU&DPS
WK 266 -DFRE *DJQRQ WK &RPSRQHQW    Maintenance Squadron                                          opportunities and experiences.
0DLQWHQDQFH6TXDGURQDQG5RGQH\<RODQJFR                                                                      Also, teens, ages 14 to 18, of          Challenger Sports British Soccer
56th OSS                                        Bryan Gittens, Kaitlyn Lamolinara, Daniel                     DFWLYHGXW\$LU)RUFHPHPEHUVDUH      ZLOO LPSURYH DJLOLW\ EDODQFH DQG
Commandant’s Award: Jared Clark, 56th OSS       Moise, Omar Pacheco, Scotty Reyes, Tyler Rose-                HQFRXUDJHGWRDSSO\IRUWKH<RXWK      coordination of youth ages 6 to 12.
Academic Achievement Award: Maegen              man, Derek Rutter and Elliot Snyder                           Employment Skills Program where         Learn, practice and master ways to
McDonald, 56th Medical Support Squadron                                                                       VWXGHQWV FDQ HDUQ YDOXDEOH ZRUN    WXUQIDNHDQGEHDWRSSRQHQWVOHDUQ
                                                56th Security                                                 experience and up to $1,000 toward      MXJJOLQJOLIWVDQGEDODQFHVLPSURYH
Physical training                               Forces Squadron                                               college.                                WRXFKFRQWURODQGFRQÀGHQFHOHDUQ
0RVWLPSURYHG Chynna Smith, 310th Fighter                                                                       (DFKFDPSFRVWVSHU<3PHP-      FRUHYDOXHVRIUHVSHFWUHVSRQVLELO-
Squadron                                        *DEULHO6ROD]]R                                               EHUSHUQRQPHPEHU                ity, integrity, sportsmanship and
Fire breather: 1HLO )LHJHQEDXP WK $LU                                                                   The SAP all-day camp is open to      OHDGHUVKLS$QRQUHIXQGDEOHIHHRI
Control Squadron                                56th Medical                                                  children in grades 1 through 6 and       IRU <3 PHPEHUV DQG  IRU
                                                Support Squadron                                              UXQVWKURXJK$XJ&RVWLVEDVHG     QRQPHPEHUV LV GXH DW VLJQXS QR
   Other graduates are:                                                                                       on total family income.                 later than June 12.
                                                Uriel Casim and Matthew Lyons                                    7KH ZHHNORQJ <3 FDPSV DQG      *,-DQHYROOH\EDOOFDPS
56th Operations                                                                                               SAP are open to dependent youth
Support Squadron                                56th Aerospace                                                ages 6 to 18 of active-duty, retired,      Bump, set, spike. GI Jane Vol-
                                                Medicine Squadron                                             Reserve military, Defense Depart-       OH\EDOOLVUHFUXLWLQJERWKER\VDQG
Benjamin Scott, James Smith and William West                                                                  ment and nonappropriated fund           JLUOVDJHVWRWRMRLQLQDÀYHGD\
                                                Donavan Mannie                                                civilians, DeCA employees, AAFES        YROOH\EDOOFDPSWRSP-XQH
607th Air Control                                                                                             employees, and contractors of Luke      WKURXJK  3DUWLFLSDQWV ZLOO EH
Squadron                                        944th Logistics                                               AFB. Parents can register youth at      introduced to science-proven tech-
                                                Readiness Squadron                                            the youth center.                       QLTXHVRQEDVLFVNLOOVZLWKYLGHRSHU-
Brandon Reed and Richard Wonica                                                                                  Teens, ages 14 to 18, of active-     IRUPDQFH IHHGEDFN SUDFWLFH GULOOV
                                                Mercedes Catchings                                            GXW\$LU)RUFHPHPEHUVDUHLQYLWHG     DQGSOD\JDPHVFRDFKHGE\DORFDO
56th Maintenance Group                                                                                        to apply for the youth employment       Army veteran who has a passion for
                                                Arizona Air National Guard                                    skills program. The youth center also   children, the game and the military
Charles Jackson                                                                                               offers the following opportunities:     FRPPXQLW\$QRQUHIXQGDEOHIHHRI
                                                Thomas Pina                                                      7RP.X\SHU%DVNHWEDOO&DPS            IRU <3 PHPEHUV DQG  IRU
56th Component                                                                                                   <RXWK DJHV  WR  FDQ OHDUQ  QRQPHPEHUV LV GXH DW VLJQXS QR
Maintenance Squadron                                                   Courtesy of Tech. Sgt. Danielle Cook                                           later than June 19.
                                                                                 56th Force Support Squadron
Kevin Burns                                                                                                                                                               See SUMMER, Page 19

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