Page 9 - Thunderbolt 5-29-15
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Thunderbolt                                                                       NEWS                                                                                         May 29, 2015               9

 PEOPLE                                                   Some pharmacies have the expertise               charged with developing and maintaining               AF phases in employees’
                                                       and equipment to compound medications               harmonious and cooperative relationships
   FIRST                                               and others specialize only in compounding,          EHWZHHQ WKH 86 $LU )RUFH DQG WKH KRVW       injury, illness comp portal
                                                       the clinical pharmacist added. Specialty            nation air force,” Perez Cruz said.
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is        compounding pharmacies create creams,                                                                        The Air Force, in conjunction with other
compiled from information from the Air Force           ointments, capsules and liquids to make         Defense Department services, is phasing
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Support          VSHFLÀFSURGXFWVDQGGRVHV                                                                               in the use of the Employees’ Compensation
Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness Flight,                                                              Article/589032/attach-duty-applications-for-enlist-   Operations and Management Portal, which
9HWHUDQV$IIDLUVWKHFLYLOLDQSHUVRQQHORIÀFHDQG                                                        is intended to eventually replace the cur-
armed forces news services. For the complete story,                                                                                 ed-members-due-by-june.aspx  UHQWV\VWHPXVHGWRÀOHLQMXU\DQGLOOQHVV
go to the web address listed at the end of the story.     $UWLFOHGRGKHOSVSURWHFWEHQH¿FLDULHV                                                         compensation claims.
                                                                                                           TSgt promo release delayed
DOD protects members                                              from-deceptive-pharmacy-practices.aspx                                                            (&203 LV D IUHH :HEEDVHG SRUWDO IRU
                                                                                                              Technical sergeant promotion selection             HOHFWURQLF ÀOLQJ RI NH\ )HGHUDO (PSOR\HH
from deceptive practices                               Attaché duty applications due                       results, originally scheduled for release             &RPSHQVDWLRQ$FWFODLPIRUPVPDQDJHGE\
                                                                                                           7KXUVGD\KDYHEHHQGHOD\HGWRHQDEOHWKH            WKH/DERU'HSDUWPHQW'2'RIÀFLDOVKDYH
   In the face of recent aggressive and decep-         by June for enlisted members                        Air Force to continue to validate extensive           selected ECOMP for electronic processing of
tive marketing practices of some compound-                                                                 system changes to the Weighted Airman                 compensation claims, said Annette Castro,
ing pharmacies targeting TRICARE, the                     Active-duty staff sergeants through              3URPRWLRQ6\VWHPRIÀFLDOVDQQRXQFHG                 assigned to the Air Force Personnel Center
Defense Health Agency is taking aggres-                senior master sergeants interested in at-                                                                 Civilian Future Operations Branch.
VLYHDFWLRQWRKHOS75,&$5(EHQHÀFLDULHV             taché duty opportunities with international            The 2015 technical sergeant promotion
DHA’s chief of pharmacy operations said in             DIIDLUVWHDPVDURXQGWKHZRUOGPXVWVXE-            cycle is the first to incorporate recent                 Several installations were selected for
a recent interview.                                    PLW WKHLU DSSOLFDWLRQV E\ -XQH  WR EH    changes in the enlisted evaluation report             the initial implementation phase to include:
                                                       considered.                                         and promotion system. Recent alterations              Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, -Lack-
   'U *HRUJH -RQHV GHVFULEHG FRPSRXQG-                                                                affecting this promotion cycle include                land, -Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and Good-
ing as a way that some pharmacies prepare                 7KH2IÀFHRIWKH'HSXW\8QGHU6HFUHWDU\         changes in the WAPS calculation, revised              fellow and Sheppard Air Force Bases, Texas.
medications for patients who need different            of the Air Force, International Affairs is          points for time-in-service and time-in-               Information gathered during that phase will
kinds or strengths of medications than are             accepting applications for enlisted defense         grade, EPR point value of 250 points, and             HQDEOH $)3& &LYLOLDQ )RUFH ,QWHJUDWLRQ
DYDLODEOHLQFRPPHUFLDOO\DYDLODEOHSURGXFWV          attaché specialists at 23 locations, with tour      the inclusion of up to the last three EPRs            Directorate teams to guide civilian Airmen
                                                       lengths ranging from 12-36 months, said             of personnel with weighted factors since              during upcoming implementation phases.
   Compounding pharmacies have an im-                  Staff Sgt. Rey Perez Cruz, NCO in charge            EHFRPLQJ7,67,*HOLJLEOHIRUSURPRWLRQ
portant role                                           of joint departmental assignments.                                                                           8VLQJ(&203HPSOR\HHVZLOOEHDEOHWR
                                                                                                              “Because changes to the process are sig-           UHSRUWDZRUNSODFHLQFLGHQWDQGÀOHDFODLP
   ´3HGLDWULFVIRUH[DPSOHLVDELJDUHDIRU           Enlisted attaché support positions in-           QLÀFDQWZHDUHWHVWLQJHYHU\DVSHFWRIWKH          for compensation from their home computer
compounding, where (infants or toddlers)               clude operations coordinator and operations         system to ensure accuracy,” said Lt. Gen.             without the need to use a common access
PD\QRWEHDEOHWRWDNHWDEOHWVRUFDSVXOHV           NCO. Duties include managing logistics              Sam Cox, the Air Force deputy chief of staff          card. Users can track the exact status of any
or need a particular strength, so a com-               and administrative support, executing               for manpower, personnel and services. “An-            IRUP RU GRFXPHQW VXEPLWWHG YLD (&203
what that patient needs,” Jones said.                  clearances, supervising foreign national            in August and therefore the delay will not            GRFXPHQWVGLUHFWO\WR'2/FDVHÀOHV
                                                       staff and direct support for distinguished          affect actual promotion dates.”
                                                       guest visits, Perez Cruz said.                                                                    
                                                          “Attaché personnel represent the secre-                                                                    Article/589526/af-phases-in-employees-injury-
                                                       tary and chief of staff of the Air Force to the          Article/589397/technical-sergeant-promotion-
                                                       KRVW QDWLRQ JRYHUQPHQW RIÀFLDOV DQG DUH                                                                                  illness-compensation-portal.aspx

SOUND                                                            “Steak and                                “Grilled                                          “Fried rice. It   “Chipotle’s
 OFF!                                                            rice. Steak is                            salmon, rice                                      has everything I  chicken burrito.
                                                                 my favorite                               and broccoli. I                                   need for a bal-   It tastes great,
                                                                 food, and I eat                           love the taste,                                   anced diet.”      and I get a great
                                                                 anything with                             and I think it’s                                                    discount.”
                                                                 rice.”                                    pretty healthy.”

  If you could have        Airman 1st Class                                       Senior Airman                              Senior Airman                                     Airman 1st Class
only one meal for the      JOFFREY MATUTE                                         TANNER MOREL                               BRIAN COMIA                                       ANGEL VASQUEZ
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