Page 6 - Thunderbolt 5-29-15
P. 6
6 May 29, 2015 NEWS Thunderbolt
Thunderbolts venture to El Salvador
6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\$LUPDQ conduct site surveys, receive the shipment Medical technicians from the 56th Medical Support Squadron gather personal gear
PEDRO MOTA of supplies and get the site up and running May 22 outside the 56th Medical Group building at Luke Air Force Base as they pre-
EHIRUHWKHUHVWRIWKHJURXSDUULYHG pare to leave on a 15-day humanitarian mission to El Salvador.
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
“Along with the medics from Luke, one
A team of Luke Air Force Base Airmen 56th Security Forces Squadron Airman
departed May 22 on a training mission to will act as defender, six medics from
help the less fortunate in Central America. Lackland AFB (Texas), four medics from
Keesler AFB (Mississippi), and another
Lt. Col. Lauren Byrd, 56th Medical medic from Laughlin AFB (Texas), will
Support Squadron commander, deployed EH ZLWK XVµ 3DQH VDLG EHIRUH GHSDUWXUH
with 25 medics to El Salvador on a 10-day “The Airmen from the other locations will
we don’t have here at Luke.”
to aid the Ministry of Health in reaching These individuals will form Medical
out to their citizens who don’t have access Team C, the only Air Force team.
to healthcare,” said Lt. Col. Lauren Byrd,
56th MDSS commander. “Our team will “In addition to the team, we are taking
EH LGHQWLI\LQJ WKH LQLWLDO SUREOHPV WKRVH four Air Force translators and 10 augmen-
citizens have and writing follow-up recom- tee translator students from the University
mendations to the Ministries of Health.” of Texas to make sure the communication
The healthcare provided at the deployed Byrd said. “This medical readiness train-
site will include internal medicine, fam- LQJH[HUFLVHLQ(O6DOYDGRULVSDUWRIDELJ-
ily health services, pediatrics, women’s JHUPLVVLRQWKDWLVEHLQJOHGE\WKH$UP\µ
health, dental, optometry and mental
health. There are also engineering teams from
“We have a mental health team to help ent sites giving El Salvador new resources.
identify veterans of their civil war and
transfer them into the local medical care ´7KH EHQHILW IRU $LUPHQ LV WKDW WKLV
system,” said 1st Lt. Katie Pane, 56th training experience teaches them how to
MDSS Medical Readiness Flight com- operate in an environment that emulates
PDQGHU´7KHUHDUHFXUUHQWO\PHPEHUV a deployed setting,” Byrd said. “We will
registered in the war veterans system. We EHDEOHWRGHSOR\LQWRDQHQYLURQPHQWOHVV
people who are in need.”
A few Luke Airmen deployed May 17 to
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