Page 7 - Thunderbolt 5-29-15
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Thunderbolt                                      NEWS                                                                                                    May 29, 2015             7

“Look up, Show up, Follow-up:” Design for resilience

          by SHARON KOZAK                        resilience. They are also examples of what                                                                                                                                                     Courtesy photo
                                                 resiliency training is intended to address.
            56th Fighter Wing Community Support  (DFKRIWKHVHLQWHUYHQWLRQVIROORZHGDED-               TEAM Luke resilience training assistants and master resilience trainers pose for a
                                                 sic proactive format — Look up, show up,                 photo at Luke Air Force Base. There are 146 RTAs at Luke and 12 MRTs.
   None of us is as smart as all of us. Af-      follow-up.
ter all, TEAM means Together Everyone                                                                     IRVWHUUHVLOLHQF\RQWKHEHKDOIRIRWKHUV    LWFDQEHSXWLQWRDFWLRQWRPDNHDSRVLWLYH
Achieves More.                                      In each case, RTAs and MRTs looked into                  Fostering resilience is the primary goal    difference.
                                                 WKH PDWWHU ORRN XS WRRN UHVSRQVLELOLW\
   Very rarely does one person achieve a         (show up) and continued with an effective                of Comprehensive Airman Fitness, a ho-            /LIH LV RYHUZKHOPLQJO\ DEXQGDQW 7KH
goal without help. The Air Force’s resiliency    plan of action (follow-up).                              listic approach that encourages growth in      ZD\ WR HQMR\ DQG EHQHÀW IURP WKDW DEXQ-
training team here at Luke has achieved                                                                   the four domains of a person’s life: mental,   GDQFH LV E\ SXWWLQJ LW WR SXUSRVHIXO XVH
outstanding goals and results with saving           The sincerity with which RTAs and MRTs                physical, social and spiritual.                The RTAs and MRTs are dynamic stewards
careers, saving marriages and saving             offer their assistance to those who cannot                                                              of all they’ve received in life, and I thank
lives.                                            FRSHZLWKGLIÀFXOWLHVLVDUHFRJQL]DEOHDQG               I’m grateful to have the honor to partici-  them.
                                                                                                          pate in the CAF program as a community
   Over the past few years,                                  XQPLVWDNDEOH KDOOPDUN RI WKH             support coordinator and work with these           For more information on how to make a
Air Force resiliency                                               sympathy and concern they              RXWVWDQGLQJ57$VDQG057VEXWJUDWLWXGH      GLIIHUHQFHLQSHRSOH·VOLYHVDQGEHFRPHDQ
training assistants                                                   feel for others.                    is more than saying thank you. The real        57$RU057FRQWDFWPHDWVKDURQNR]DN#
and master resiliency                                                       0DQ\ ZKR KDYH EHQ-         power of gratitude comes from seeing how or call 623-856-2716.
trainers have inter-                                                       HÀWHGIURPWKHJHQHURV-
vened in thousands                                                          ity of RTAs and MRTs
of crisis situations,                                                        will look upon these
WKHUHE\ DYHUWLQJ                                                            gifts with gratitude,
perhaps hundreds                                                              confident that the
of tragic outcomes                                                            support provided was
— the NCO who has                                                            EHVWRZHGLQWKHVSLULW
ORVW KLV EHDULQJV EH-                                                    of selflessness. Their
cause he no longer sees                                                    actions inspire many of
the value of his work, the                                               WKRVH ZKR EHQHILW IURP
Air Force wife who cannot                                             their philanthropic contri-
tolerate the loneliness that will                                 EXWLRQVFUHDWLQJDQHWZRUNRI
spondent Airman who has reached a mental                    unaffected and honest giving that
EUHDNSRLQW DQG FDQ VHH QR DOWHUQDWLYH WR  spreads outward like ripples in a still pond.
self-destruction.                                The genuine desire to help people in need
                                                 strengthens skills, which frame actions that
   7KHVHDUHDOOH[DPSOHVRIWKHDEVHQFHRI     promote healing and facilitate recovery.
                                                 These connections nurture willingness to

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