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9RO1R  Serving Southern Arizona’s military community, including Davis-Monthan Air Force Base  August 7, 2015


354th EFS completes historic TSP deployment

52nd Fighter Wing Public Affairs

   SPANGDAHLEM AIR BASE, Germany    --  The 354th Expeditionary                                                                                                                        (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Chris Drzazgowski/ )
Fighter Squadron completed its theater security package mission through-
out Europe in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve July 31, 2015.               U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Ryan Hayde, 354th Fighter Squadron commander, kisses his wife Maj. Erin
                                                                                 Hayde, 612th Air and Space Operations Center intel officer,on the flightline at Davis-Monthan
   The squadron’s 12 A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft and approximately 300          Air Force Base, after returning from a 6-month-long deployment August 4. The 354th FS was de-
Airmen from the 355th Fighter Wing, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ari-           ployed to the first European Theater Security Package in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve.
zona, forward-deployed to Eastern European locations and conduct flying
training alongside NATO allies with the goal of strengthening interoper-         TSP rotations in the Pacific region since 2004.
ability and enhancing regional security.                                            “These Airmen and A-10s of the 354th EFS provide a strategic symbol

   Operation Atlantic Resolve is a demonstration of U.S. European Com-           as they represent U.S. commitment to European security and stability,” said
mand and United States Air Forces in Europe - Air Forces Africa’s contin-        Roberson during an April 17, 2015, media event at Campia Turzii.
ued commitment to the collective security of NATO and dedication to the
enduring peace and stability in the region.                                         The squadron’s aircraft and Airmen will return home to Davis-Monthan
                                                                                 after deploying out of Spangdahlem since Feb. 13, 2015.
   “This TSP is a long range, strategic capability to allow the Air Force
greater flexibility against evolving threats,” said U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Dar-     “As our adopted sisters and brothers of the 354th EFS Bulldogs redeploy
ryl Roberson, then-3rd Air Force and 17th Expeditionary Air Force com-           home, they can be proud of the hard work they’ve put in and all they’ve
mander, during the Feb. 18, 2015, announcement of the TSP at Spangda-            accomplished toward assuring our NATO allies and enhancing our collec-
hlem Air Base, Germany. “It is not tied to a specific platform or aircraft,       tive combat capability and readiness,” said Col. Joe McFall, 52nd Fighter
but instead is a method of presenting forces at the right time to the right      Wing commander. “As the first unit to deploy in support of Europe’s first
combatant commander. Our abilities must remain agile to sustain and in-          TSP, they’ve set the bar for future TSP units on effective partnering with
crease regional security.”                                                       our allies to ensure the safety and stability of the alliance. Moreover, they
                                                                                 have done so with class and a can-do attitude while operating at multiple
   The 354th EFS participated in 21 exercises, compiling more than 1,500         locations with the leanest of support. A huge thanks for a job well done!”
sorties and nearly 2,700 flight hours while engaging with 22 countries as
part of their deployment.

   “To the men and women of the 354th EFS, you are a part of an important
mission,” said U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Ryan Hayde, 354th EFS commander,
during his first address to the squadron during a May 15, 2015, change of
command ceremony at Campia Turzii, Romania. “That mission has taken
this squadron around Europe. We have trained together with our NATO
allies. We have forward deployed to multiple locations and proven we can
deploy munitions in close proximity to friendly troops in any weather, day
or night.”

   Although a first in Europe, the Air Force has been conducting similar

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AF begins restricted endorsement, stratification  Pg. 2                                                                                           Basic cadets at the U.S. Air
NATO’s first AWACS to remain in the desert        Pg. 3                                                                                           Force Academy salute during
New program: Certified to save lives              Pg. 4                                                                                           a ceremony before Field Day,
Comparing TRICARE Online with MiCare              Pg. 7                                                                                           July 10, in Colorado Springs,
Jamming the enemy with joint integration          Pg. 10                                                                                          Colo. Field Day is an annual
Commentary: Pursue education for career’s sake    Pg. 12                                                                                          competitive event that marks
Leadership addresses new EPR form, Course 15      Pg. 14                                                                                          the halfway point through
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (U.S. Air Force photo/Liz Copan)
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