Page 4 - Aerotech News and Review, October 29, 2021
P. 4

A Pilot’s Pilot — Bob Hoover

                                 wouldn’t be feasible.         stationed at Edwards Air Force Base.   controls and never spilled a drop of   Men of Mach One commemoration.
   by Cathy Hansen
   special to Aerotech News        While perusing some of our old   In 1947, he was a chase pilot for   tea!                 When the new Flight Test Museum
                                 Air Race programs, I came across an   Chuck Yeager in the Bell X-1, and   Hoover passed away Oct. 25, 2016.   is completed it will house the Society
     I have met so many people through   article about a good friend to Mojave   was flying a P-80 when Yeager broke   He was honored by the Flight Test   of Experimental Test Pilots archives,
   the years who talk about the history   Airport and one of my favorite pilots,   the sound barrier.  Museum Foundation during the 1993   oral histories and artifacts in the Bob
   of Mojave — the L.A. Aqueduct,   Robert Anderson  “Bob”  Hoover.   Hoover became a test pilot for   Gathering of Eagles, and the 1997   Hoover Library.
   Southern Pacific Railroad, the gold   Described by all who love flying   General Motors and North American
   and  silver  mines  and  of  course,   as a “pilot’s pilot,” Hoover served   Aviation,  demonstrating  flight
   Mojave Airport. It is always fun to   his country in war and peace as a   characteristics in the P-51 Mustang,
   share the rich history of Mojave!  fighter pilot, test pilot and master of   F-86 Sabrejet and the T-39 Sabreliner.
     I  have  heard  comments  and   aerobatics.               Jimmy Doolittle called Hoover “the
   questions like: “I didn’t know that   In 1937, Hoover taught himself   greatest stick-and-rudder man who
   Mojave Airport had been a Marine   basic aerobatic maneuvers at Berry   ever lived.”
   Corps Air Station,” or “Why don’t we   Field in Nashville, Tenn. He joined   Hoover  is  remembered  by
   hold the air races at Mojave Airport   the Tennessee Air National Guard,   millions of people as the premier
   anymore?”                     which became part of the U.S. Army   air show performer in the world.
     Mojave Airport was constructed   Air Corps in 1940. After the start   He  is  renowned  for  the  Energy
   by Kern County in 1935 and the dirt   of World War II, he wanted to fly   Management Maneuver, where he
   strip was used by aircraft that hauled   in combat and was sent to Europe,   shuts  down  both  engines  of  his
   the gold and silver from local mines   flying 58 missions before being shot   Rockwell Shrike Commander and
   in Mojave. In 1942, Gen. William   down. He was flying a Spitfire Mk   performs a loop, eight-point roll, a
   J. Fox chose Mojave Airport to be   V and was shot down by a FW-190.  180-degree turn to a landing, then
   an auxiliary flight training base for   When you think of the exciting   taxis in before the crowd without
   the U.S. Marines. MCAS Mojave   things movies are made of, Hoover’s   ever restarting the engines! Hoover
   (Marine Corps Air Station) was one   World War II experiences come to   has flown before more people, in
   of five bases for the Marines. Santa   mind. He spent nearly 16 months   more countries, in more aircraft than
   Barbara was another.          in the Stalag Luft 1 prison in Barth,   any other pilot in history.
     The Mojave Air Races were really   Germany, before escaping. He then   Another maneuver, captured on
   fun  and  exciting.  Dan  Sabovich,   commandeered a Focke-Wulf FW-  film, demonstrated his superb pilot
   visionary founder of Mojave Civilian   190, the same type of aircraft that   skills in both the Commander and the
   Flight Test Center, first brought air   shot him down, and flew it to Holland   Sabreliner. At altitude, he set a glass
   racing to the airport in 1969; the   — and freedom!         on top of the instrument panel and
   last races were flown in 1978. The   I can see all of his daring escapades   poured iced tea into the glass from
   flight test programs conducted at   on the big silver screen in my mind   a pitcher in his right hand, using
   Mojave Air and Space Port today   — hope my dream comes true!  his left hand to completely roll the                                     Courtesy photograph
   are  so  complex,  exclusive  and   After the war, Bob continued to   aircraft. He combined centrifugal
   proprietary that holding air races   serve in the U.S. Air Force and was   force with smooth handling of the   From left: Neil Armstrong, Bob Hoover and Chuck Yeager.

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                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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