Page 7 - Aerotech News and Review, October 29, 2021
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Nov. 3, 1926: The Boeing F2B makes its first flight. The F2B was a U.S.
                                                                                                    Navy biplane fighter aircraft in the 1920s, familiar to aviation enthusiasts of
            On this date ...
                                                                                                    the era as the craft of the Three Sea Hawks aerobatic flying team, famous
                                                                                                    for its tied-together formation flying. Initially the Boeing Model 69, it was
                                                                                                    inspired by the results of tests on the FB-6, which was powered by a Pratt
                                                                                                    & Whitney R-1340B Wasp radial engine. Delivery began on Jan. 20, 1928,
                                                                                                    with  some  assigned  to  fighter  squadron  VF-1B  and  others  to  bomber
                                                                                                    squadron VF-2B, both operating from the carrier USS Saratoga. In 1927, Lt.
                                                                                                    D. W. “Tommy” Tomlinson, commanding officer of VF-2B, created the first
                                                                                                    U.S. Naval aerobatic team. The team used three Boeing F2B-1 fighters. Its
                                                                                                    first unofficial demonstration in January 1928 at San Francisco gave rise to a
                                                                                                    popular nickname: “Suicide Trio” although officially the team was called “Three
                                                                                                    Sea Hawks. The first public performance as an official team representing
                                                                                                    the Navy was between Sept. 8 and 16, during National Air Races week at
                                                                                                    Mines Field (now Los Angeles International Airport). In this photograph, The
                                                                                                    Three Seahawks perform in 1928.

                                                                                             Nov. 2, 1947: With Howard Hughes at the controls, the
            Oct. 30, 1964: Bell’s Lunar Landing Research Vehicle                             Hughes H-4 Hercules, also known as the “Spruce Goose,”
                                                                                             makes its first flight, traveling at 135 mph for about a
            made its first flight, piloted by Joe Walker. The LLRV
            was developed by the NASA Flight Research Center to                              mile at an altitude of 70 feet over Long Beach Harbor in
                                                                                             California with 32 people on board. Both the largest flying
            simulate a lunar landing profile for research and lunar
            pilot training for NASA’s Apollo program. Nicknamed                              boat and the aircraft with the largest wingspan (319 feet
                                                                                             11 inches) ever built, it was never flown again.
            the Flying Bedstead, two LLRVs were built. The
            research vehicles were vertical take-off vehicles that
            used a single jet engine mounted on a gimbal so that                                                                              Nov. 4, 1990:
            it always pointed vertically.                                                                                                     During the
                                                                                                                                              first official
           Nov. 2, 1929:  The  Ninety-Nines:                                                                                                  demonstration of
           International  Organization  of  Women                                                                                             its supercruise
           Pilots, also known as 99s, was founded.                                                                                            capability,
           The 99s, is an organization that provides                                                                                          the Northrop-
           networking, mentoring, and flight                                                                                                  McDonnell
           scholarship opportunities to recreational and                                                                                      Douglas YF-23A
           professional female pilots. The organization                                                                                       No. 1 accelerated
           was founded by 26 licensed women                                                                                                   to Mach 1.43 at
           pilots. Amelia Earhart called for a meeting                                                                                        42,000 feet without
           of female pilots in 1929. All 117 women                                                                                            afterburners.
           pilots licensed at the time were invited,
           and the group is named for the 99 of them
           who attended the meeting or expressed an
           interest in forming a group.

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                                                                 Aerotech News and Review
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