Page 6 - Aerotech News and Review, October 29, 2021
P. 6

Soaring over California

   by Larry Grooms                                             fly, what does the weather ahead look   the top restoration award presented by   For Cam Martin, all rides are spe-
   special to Aerotech News                                    like, do I have enough altitude to press   the Vintage Sailplane Association.  cial. Almost 50 years ago, someone
                                                               on? It’s a three-dimensional chessboard   On the return trip, it was a center-  gave him the gift of a first glider ride.
     TEHACHAPI, Calif.—When Cam                                strategy,” Cam says.          piece of the Soaring Society of Amer-  “Without that,” he says, “all of this
   Martin came to Edwards Air Force                               As glider contests go, the Dust   ica’s flight line display at the EAA’s   might never have happened.”
   Base to help NASA’s Flight Research                         Devil Dash is simple. It‘s a day-long,   Oshkosh Fly-In. Back in California,   Although soaring can be done at just
   Center promote its work and tell its                        straight-out distance challenge. How   Cam and his LP-49 were featured at a   about any time of year in many places,
   story, he trailered his sailplane along                     far can you fly your sailplane before   “Plane Crazy Saturday” at Mojave Air   long distance cross-country soaring
   with him.                                                   the sun sets?  This year Cam served as   and Space Port. Returning to New York   tends to be a seasonal activity, roughly
     Back East he had been flying gliders                      chase crew for one of the other contes-  for the 2021 IVSM, Cam’s LP-49 was   aligned between the spring and autumn
   for years, circling over the farmlands                      tants — and for them (Tom Coussens &   in the spotlight on indoor display and   equinox. Cam explains that the dura-
   of the Midwest and cruising for hours                       Zulu Niner) the answer was 218 miles   now part of the permanent collection of   tion of a glider flight can vary widely
   along the forested mountain ridges of                       — “Tehachapi to Tonopah,” just like   the National Soaring Museum.  from day to day and season to season.
   the Appalachians.  Soaring over the                         the song by Little Feat.        As a commercial operation, Skylark   Wind and weather conditions aside,
   desert and the mountain peaks border-                         The winner of the 2021 Dust Devil   North is a place where people come to   Cam says “the unsung heroes are the
   ing the Owens Valley with 100-mile                          Dash went a bit over 420 miles, win-  buy a flight in a sailplane. Cam is one   tow-plane pilots. They have to think
   visibility was the stuff of legends.          Courtesy photograph  ning a custom tee-shirt and a year’s   of the ride pilots there.  There are sev-  about the characteristics of two very
     Of the many glider sites in and   Cam Martin              worth of bragging rights. Cam says,   eral two-seat gliders available for rides.   different airplanes, their’s and the one
   around the Antelope Valley, serendip-                       “Everyone flew hard and came home   His favorite has orange stripes on the   at the end of the tow rope 200 feet
   ity brought him to Skylark North at                         safe with new stories to tell. That was   tail, a comfortable front seat and a great   behind them. They are very adept at
   Tehachapi’s Mountain Valley Airport.     Cam Martin flies in the high-altitude   the whole point.  All will be back for   view.  It also has a fun secret — “It’s   knowing where to go to find the best
   Here was one of America’s most enthu-  mountain wave that creates spectacular   next year.”  the one Neil Armstrong flew for his TV   air to help the glider pilot get off to a
   siastic and eclectic glider communities.   lenticular clouds and joined in the hap-  The smooth, flowing, eye-pleasing   show,”  good start.”
   Disney and Neil Armstrong filmed tele-  py gaggle of gliders that soared from   shapes of sailplanes are dictated by the   Cam says, “I try to shape each flight   Cam Martin credits the Soaring So-
   vision episodes here.  Military test pi-  Tehachapi to Mount Whitney’s sum-  rules of aerodynamic efficiency. And   experience to match each guest. If a   ciety of America for expanding and
   lots routinely train here. The youngest   mit — and back. He has flown in Te-  occasionally a particular sailplane will   person received the flight as a gift, they   deepening his enjoyment of soaring
   of teenage student glider pilots learn to   hachapi’s “just for fun” events — New   stand out as especially appealing.  For   might be just a bit tentative.” He adds,   by opening new challenges. He says
   fly here. Since the winged Spaceships   Year’s Day “polar bear open cockpit”   Cam that sailplane was the Laister LP-  “Other expectations span the range   “The Soaring Society of America of-
   of Mojave return to Earth as gliders,   flights, and a spot landing contest “who   49, an American glider created in the   from interested, to intensely curious,   fers a series of internationally recog-
   those rocketeers are occasionally seen   can land closest to this traffic cone?”   1960s by engineer and soaring pioneer   all the way to the adventurous person   nized Soaring Badges that guide pilots
   here too. Some of the out of the way   event.  But of all of these the ultimate   Jack Laister.  Eventually Cam located   who has had ‘Fly in a Glider’ on their   to ever more advanced soaring skills.
   hangars are home to the antique and   is the Dust Devil Dash, flown each year   one, bought it, flew it, and competed   bucket list for a long time and can’t   It’s a way to fly and never get bored.”
   classic gliders of the 1930s, 1940s and   the Saturday after Labor Day.  with it in his first Dust Devil Dash.  wait to strap in.”  Cam  has  logged  approximately
   1950s, some are flyable and some await   Contestants fly with little more than   In spare time initially afforded by   Cam continues, “The glider itself   1,000 hours in sailplanes over many
   restoration.                  a map, compass, GPS, air-speed indi-  a government shutdown, he began   is very accommodating — we can go   years and holds a commercial sailplane
     But of all of these, the elite are those   cator, altimeter and a list of usable air-  restoring it to better than new condi-  sightseeing and have an aerial tour of   rating. He flies a classic 301 Libelle,
   long-distance cross-country sailplane   ports, off-airport lakebeds and fields.   tion.  A pair of Jack Laister’s previ-  Tehachapi, we can demonstrate the   call sign “Blue Jay” from Tehachapi’s
   pilots who race, engineless, for hours   Highways don’t work because glider   ous sailplanes were named “Yankee   sheer elegance of unpowered flight, or   Mountain Valley Airport.
   along the rocky ridges and crests of   wings are too long and low to miss   Doodle” and “Yankee Doodle Two.”   we can go through the nuts and bolts of
   the Sierra Nevada Mountains, cover-  signposts.  Pilots also have a radio for   Cam’s LP-49 became “Yankee Doodle   how airplanes fly.”  In the end the goal   Editor’s note: This is part three of a
   ing hundreds of miles, and, hopefully,   communicating to the crew below tow-  III,” finished in a red, white and blue   is always the same — “We want people   three-part series. Look for part three
   returning home by sunset. (The alterna-  ing an empty trailer while chasing the   tribute scheme patterned after the 1939   to have a marvelous experience and tell   in the next issue of Aerotech News and
   tive is an exercise in patience while the   glider to points unknown.  original.          all their friends.”           Review.
   pilot waits for the retrieve crew to bring   Cam says the pilot is confronted by   In 2016 Cam flew it at the Interna-
   the trailer, disassemble the glider, and   the need to make constant best deci-  tional Vintage Sailplane Meet, hosted
   drive home. It usually costs the pilot a   sions based on changing conditions.   by the National Soaring Museum in
   steak and a beer along the way).  “Where should I go, how fast can I   Elmira, N.Y. “Yankee Doodle III” won

                                                                               Courtesy photograph                                         Courtesy photograph
   Cam Martin sits in his glider.                                                            Cam’s custom plates: X-PLANES

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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