Page 8 - Aerotech News and Review, October 29, 2021
P. 8

High Desert Hangar Stories
   Test pilot Joseph C. McConnell:

                      The story behind F-86 Sabre “Beauteous Butch”

   by Bob Alvis                                                lot; he was one of the all-time greats. He
   special to Aerotech News                                    was the only Triple Ace to come out of
                                                               the Korean War and the only Triple Ace
     Looking  back  from our  vantage                          of the jet age, as all his victories were
   point here in 2021, we see the dynam-                       against jet aircraft. This is an amazing
   ics of both fighter pilots and test pilots                  statistic that was achieved after a year
   changing, as many aspects of technol-                       of flying combat in Korea where he
   ogy have changed the way new genera-                        had not shot down one enemy aircraft,
   tions view the pilots of today. Sure, we                    followed by a period when he scored
   admire and celebrate those individuals                      all of his victories during a four-month
   who strap into the aircraft that spark                      span  from Jan. 14 to May 18, 1953.
   our imaginations, and we marvel at the                      To say he was a driven man would be
   skills they bring to their craft, but some-                 an understatement, as his desire to mix
   thing is changing — or, should I say,                       it up was legendary. After one mis-
   has changed.                                                sion when his F-86 had been mortally
     Over my life I have attended many                         wounded, he still managed to maneuver
   programs, air shows, reunions and mu-         Courtesy photograph  it and gain a victory by shooting down
   seums. I’ve been a member of many   Capt. Joseph McConnell Jr.  the MiG that had basically shot him
   groups of combat veterans who had                           down. As he slowly lost control of his
   their experiences test flying or flying                     Sabre, he ejected over the Yellow Sea
   in combat, and seemed to always want   it had some historical lineage that was   and was later picked up by helicopters
   to hold on to the glory years of service   connected to the base or the local com-  and returned to his base — where the
   that defined their lives. Needless to say,   munity. I never really researched it until   very next day he was back at it mixing        Courtesy photograph
   that society also celebrated in a differ-  years later when I had a chance encoun-  it up with the bad guys. On one mission   The gate guard that has called George AFB home and now does its duty at
   ent manner how we viewed the pilots of   ter with that same aircraft, when it was   he shot down three MiGs in one day.   Apple Valley Airport.
   those eras — fans were never in short   moved to the Apple Valley Airport.   Totaling up 16 victories, there came
   supply when one of those old legends   Now I was curious, as it must surely   a call that said it was time for the hot   himself, the Far East Air Forces, and   Korean War legend, was named after
   made a public appearance.     have a local connection. When I dug   pilot to come home before the odds   the United States Air Force.”  McConnell’s wife, whose nick name
     What got me thinking about this   in deep, I was stunned to see the story   caught up to him. He came home and   So we now see that the captain was   was Butch. For many years it stood
   change came about via an old ‘gate   unfold that ended up at Edwards AFB   was whisked off to Washington where   a really big deal and, for the time, a   as a reminder of a different time and
   guard’ that for years when I was at   with a tragic flight in 1954, and how a   President Eisenhower, in a lavish event   household name. Over time the gloss   a different kind of pilot. It was looked
   George Air Force Base, was just a back-  beloved member of a community was   at the White House, paid tribute to his   fades away, but to the citizens of his   upon by a community that held these
   drop to my everyday work schedule. It   treated back in the days when a heroic   accomplishment by awarding Captain   hometown Apple Valley, their love for   men and events close to their hearts,
   was an old F-86 up on blocks, sitting   hometown fighter pilot was bigger than   McConnell the Distinguished Service   him was never-ending — so much so   as they inspired them just like any se-
   just west of the headquarters build-  any celebrity of the time period.  Cross for his actions on May 18, 1953.  that the community not only built him   rial superhero in comic books or Sat-
   ing. With the name “Beauteous Butch”   Capt. Joseph Christopher McConnell   The Citation read:  a complete house for his family, but the   urday morning cartoons and programs.
   painted under the cockpit, I just figured   Jr. was more than just another fighter pi-  “The President of the United States   local community and businesses paid
                                                               of America, under the provisions of   for it all and the house, from dirt to   Thus, these are the people over the last
                                                               the Act of Congress approved July 9,   completion, was done in just four days!   decades who always felt a connection
                                                               1918, takes pleasure in presenting the   When it was completed, the Apple Val-  to these generations of pilots and their
                                                               Distinguished Service Cross to Captain   ley Fire Department rang the station   accomplishments, seeking them out
                                                               Joseph McConnell Jr., United States   bell and a parade formed, as the com-  at gatherings and events to share their
                                                               Air Force, for extraordinary heroism   munity escorted Captain McConnell   admiration for their bravery and skill.
                                                               in connection with military operations   and his family to their new home.   Now an old jet sits at an airport with
                                                               against an armed enemy of the United   Tragedy, however, was just around   a plaque, the words do not do it justice,
                                                               Nations while serving as a Pilot with   the corner as the captain, who was do-
                                                               the 39th Fighter-Interceptor Squad-  ing most of his flying out of George   and I’m sure some people make the
                                                               ron, 51st Fighter-Interceptor Wing,   AFB, was now involved with flight   journey to the cemetery in Victorville
                                                               FIFTH Air Force, in action against   testing the new F-86H at Edwards   on Veterans or Memorial Day and pay
                                                               enemy forces in the Republic of Korea   AFB. On Aug. 25, 1954, while testing   respects to an American legend who
                                                               on 18 May 1953. Leading two F-86s   the fifth production F-86H-1-NA (se-  achieved a greatness that will never be
                                                               on an air superiority mission over   rial number 52-1981) at Edwards, Mc-  duplicated in modern warfare. There
                                                               North Korea, he sighted a formation   Connell was killed in a crash near the   was a time when all this black and
                                                               of twenty-eight MIG-15 type aircraft.   base following a control malfunction.   white was lived in color and with the
                                                               Determined to accomplish his mission   The cause of the accident was attribut-  passage of time, these things tend to
                                                               and with complete disregard for the   ed to a missing bolt. Then-Maj. Chuck   fade to gray. We must hope that his-
                                                               numerical odds against him, he imme-  Yeager was assigned to investigate the   torians and storytellers will somehow
                                                               diately attacked. Although under fire   crash and replicated the malfunction at
                                                               himself, he pressed his attack to such   a much higher altitude. The “H” that he   find the way to bridge generations and
                                                               extent that he completely disorganized   was testing had a complete hydraulic   spark the imagination with the words
                                                               the enemy formation, destroying one of   failure. Captain Mac, relying on his   and pictures that will instill a passion
                                                               the MIGs and damaging another. Sev-  experience in Korea  where he had   and bring back the heroes of yesterday.
                                                               eral enemy aircraft were then firing at   practiced landing with just throttle and   These stories motivate, inspire and put
                                                               him but, seeing that the other Sabre in   rudder many times, tried this technique   the color back in the service and sac-
                                                               his flight was also being fired upon,   during the ill-fated flight. It almost   rifice of our history’s heroes — color
                                                               he completely ignored enemy cannon   worked, but ground turbulence lifted   that serves to push back against the
                                                               fire directed at himself and destroyed   up a wing. He ejected, but was far too   gray shadows of today.
                                                               the MIG that was pursuing his wing-  close to the ground. In less than a year   Beauteous Butch now has a story
                                                               man. These victories, in spite of coun-  from his being handed the keys to his   and Capt. Joseph “Mac” McConnell
                                                               terattacks by such superior numbers,   new home, he was gone, leaving a
                                                 Courtesy photograph  completely unnerved the enemy to the   community that mourned his loss. The   Jr. will now be introduced to a new
   APPLE VALLEY, Calif. Aug 10 – ACROSS THE THRESHOLD: Capt. Joseph   extent that they withdrew across the   beloved son of Apple Valley would no   generation via this story. We hope he
   C. McConnell, America’s first triple jet ace ushers his wife, Pearl, and three   Yalu before further attacks could be   longer be the friendly face greeted on   and his exploits carry on beyond this
   children, Joseph III, Kathleen and Patricia, across the threshold of “Appreciation   made. Through his courage, keen flying   the streets of the High Desert by fans,   page and an old jet behind a fence will
   House,” the home friends and neighbors in Apple Valley built and presented   ability and devotion to duty, Captain   young and old alike.  shine a little brighter.
   to them.
                                                               McConnell reflected great credit upon   Beauteous Butch, the mount of a   Until next time, Bob out …

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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