Page 1 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior March 2016
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TarantulaTeam maintains proficiency

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Photo by Jason Milller, Public Affairs Office
A Soldier with Tarantula Team, Operations Group here, jumps from a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter during a static line parachute jump at Drop Zone Noah in the training area, Feb. 2.
Tarantula team members conducted the currency jump to maintain proficiency. For more photos and the story turn to page 10.

Ensuring reliable electrical power at Fort Irwin

                            By Leslie Ozawa                        SCE has replaced three wood poles with steel poles and plans to   tion regarding outages and initiatives for sustainability of this
                                                                   replace another 52 poles; SCE has also reinforced and installed   installation.
                           Public Affairs Office                   additional guide wires on poles in areas prone to flooding.
                                                                                                                                        How are scheduled power outages determined? The DPW
   On Saturday, March 12, all of Fort Irwin will undergo a            Fort Irwin has purchased an additional 21 portable genera-     tries to schedule two major outages a year, one in the spring,
power outage as its primary electricity provider, Southern Cali-   tors that can be deployed to power up critical facilities during  and one in the fall, so that power line poles, lines, switching
fornia Edison, will upgrade its power grid from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.   outages. Seven additional buildings have been outfitted with      stations, and transformers can be safely and efficiently repaired
                                                                   manual transfer switches and generator hookups to connect to      or replaced. Work on specific power lines and equipment are
   During the outage, SCE will conduct maintenance work            backup generators.                                                prioritized and completed to prevent unplanned outages in the
on its power grid.                                                                                                                   future.
                                                                      The Directorate of Public Works here manages issues con-
   In the summer of 2013, a SCE power line fell on July 22,        cerning electrical power and improvements to the grid. Chris         Scheduling can be complicated, therefore SCE proposes
causing several major outages. The next month, a “100-year         Sayre, DPW utilities engineer, and Hossam Kassab, DPW             outage dates to Fort Irwin, based on field surveys conducted to
storm” flooded many parts of this garrison and the training area,  resource efficiency manager, provided the following informa-
causing further electrical power related problems. Since then,                                                                                                                             See POWER, page 10
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