Page 2 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, September 2020
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2                                                        September 2020                                    Desert Lightning News                               Desert Lightning News                                       September 2020                                                                     3
               Face unconscious bias head on                                                                                                                        Travis firefighters battle wildfires

                                                                            by Maj.                      my advice is learn to be comfortable with being uncom-                 Story and photo by                 The fire started in Napa, California as the result  48 hours, the base dispatched 28 firefighters with Beale
                                                                       AUDRIC BILLS                      fortable.  It is imperative.  Encouraging these conversa-              NICHOLAS PILCH                   of a lightning storm, and quickly spread through  AFB contributing an additional eight firefighters, four
                                                                                                         tions and talking about the trauma are the initial steps
                                                                          445th Airlift Wing             toward healing.                                                      60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs  the area to Vacaville and Fairfield — both of which  from a specialty wildfire unit. The 36 firefighters were
                                                                       Equal Opportunity Office                                                                                                                  border Travis AFB. Tens of thousands of people were  dispatched to 10 locations.
                                                                                                          Building relationships and earning trust among team
                                                          WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio          members help identify our unconscious bias behaviors         TRAVIS  AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (AFNS)      forced to evacuate their homes in Napa and Solano   “A lot of the fire was not directly near the road,”
                                                         — On May 25, 2020, the death of George Floyd brought   and develops understanding for your fellow Airman.  — Airmen from Travis Air Force Base’s 60th Civil   counties through the duration of the day.  said Kevin Bouillon, 60th CES battalion chief. “The
                                                         a long-standing issue to the forefront of society that, in   “Trust is earned in the smallest of moments.  It is   Engineer Squadron responded to the LNU Lightning   In the early hours of Aug. 19, Travis AFB initially  crews had to connect hoses together that reached as
                                                         many ways, has been ignored.                    earned not through heroic deeds, or even highly visible    Complex fire to support the Vacaville Fire Protection   dispatched a four-person crew to the Cherry Glenn  long as a thousand feet because the fire needed to be
                                                          This appears to be true because it does not affect   actions, but through paying attention, listening, and   District’s firefighting effort, Aug. 19.  area to safeguard homes. Over the course of the next  extinguished.”
                                                         everyone directly.  Some may not even understand the   gestures of genuine care and connection.”                                                                                                       The 60th CES dispatched five trucks in total, one
                                                         full magnitude of it, but racism exists.                                         ~ Brené Brown                                                                                                        normally being a specialty truck used to put out fires
                                                          The Air Force’s stance on unlawful discrimination,   Racial discrimination or inequality in any organiza-                                                                                            on aircraft.
                                                         specifically racism, is “zero tolerance.” But this is only   tion, simply put, is an injustice. Change and unity will                                                                                  “Containing the fire is difficult because winds shifted
                                                         relevant if the situation is substantiated. From the   not happen unless everyone participates.  Everyone has                                                                                         later in the day,” said Staff Sgt. James Muncy, 60th CES
                                                         Equal Opportunity perspective,  racism is difficult to   the responsibility to address discrimination (racism) at                                                                                     crew chief. “Trees were falling, and various fires were
                                                         prove because people shy away from the conversation.   the lowest level — this is the most effective approach.                                                                                        reigniting.”
                                                          Now, amid civil unrest, these conversations need to   Commanders, directors, first sergeants, supervisors
                                                         be had. Here is why… 12% of the entire wing is Black/  and subordinates must ensure all appropriate resources                                                                                          Muncy also said the fire needed as much containment
                                                         African American and another 5% identifies with other   are utilized to stamp out negative behaviors that promote                                                                                     as possible, so more crews dispatched from Travis AFB.
                                                         ethnic backgrounds.                             bigotry and hate.                                                                                                                                      Ricardo Campos, 60th CES captain, and his crew were
                                                          When a racist event occurs, be it an undertone or an   “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for                                                                                      initially dispatched near Interstate 80; however, they
                                                         overt action, it’s traumatic in nature. On top of that you   good men to do nothing.”                                                                                                                 were re-routed to prevent the destruction of a neighbor-
                                                         feel alone. I speak from experience.                                           ~ Edmund Burke                                                                                                         hood near Sales Lane in Fairfield.
                                            courtesy photo  Discrimination in a culture will initiate division in   Again, leaders you are encouraged to have sit-down                                                                                          “If the fire broke through, there it would’ve been pos-
               Maj. Audric Bills is the 445th Airlift Wing Equal   any organization if left unchecked. For those of you in   conversations or sensory sessions with your Airmen and                                                                            sible for that fire to take out acres of land passing through
               Opportunity Office director               uniform who are uncomfortable with the subject matter,   address the feelings concerning our current environment.                                                                                     those residences and would destroy possibly hundreds of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               acres of residential homes past it,” Campos said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Firefighters from across the county are actively trying
                  Let our core values be your Polaris                                                                                                                                                                                                          to contain the fire in Napa and Solano counties.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                “A fire this size, there is no way you can contain it in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a day,” said Bouillon. “The ongoing relationship with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the local stations allows us to assist in working a fire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               like this.”

                             by Col.               front of the honor court, they can look   I personally went to each squadron to   derstand the demographics of our wing;
                       CRAIG DRESCHER              up through the specially designed roof   deliver Diversity and Inclusion train-  we are making progress there as well.
                                                   to see the North Star so they can find   ing. If you recall, I stipulated that we   Over the last 15 months we have
                           908th Airlift Wing      their way back on course.        will be much better as an organization   increased our diversity in the gender                                                                                               A man’s best friend …                          SPOTLIGHT
                   MAXWELL  AIR FORCE BASE,          As I examine the many, many chal-  if we include everyone; we will have a   and race demographics. Unfortunately,
                  Ala. — Almost two years ago, I had   lenges that our wing faces, I sometimes   great mix of diverse thought which will   we aren’t very diverse when it comes to   Airman 1st Class Ryan Girouex, 60th Civil Engineer Squadron firefighter, extinguishes a fire on a shed
                  the opportunity to visit the Air Force   wonder what direction to take. What’s   yield the best solutions. If we respect   our more senior ranks and leadership   on Soaring Eagle Trail in Vacaville, Calif., Aug. 20, 2020. The 60th CES loaned 28 personnel and five
                  Academy with many of the leaders of   the best course of action and what’s   everyone, we ALL will have the same   positions. I’m committed to digging   trucks to aid in the fight against the LNU Lightning Complex Fire, a cluster of fires that forced tens of
                                                                                                                     into the data so we can better under-
                                                                                    opportunity to compete on a level play-
                  22nd Air Force, where I found a beauti-  best for our  Airmen? Like Polaris   ing field. Chief and I consistently ask   stand our demographics throughout all   thousands of people to evacuate their homes.
                  ful base and campus full of rich history   showing the way, I find that no mat-  you to let us know if there are barriers   ranks. We recently obtained data that
                  and traditions. One of the highlights   ter the challenge or the circumstance,   in your way (do you remember the one   will help us analyze our demograph-
                  was a tour of one of the newest build-  guidance can be found in our Core   lane on the track that had a higher   ics in each rank in each squadron. We
                  ings, Polaris Hall. Polaris (another   Values. Integrity First, Service Before   hurdle to get over?)  don’t fully understand the situation               Chapel Services
                  name for the North Star) is a very   Self, and Excellence In All We Do will   We kicked off two initiatives last   yet but we are enlisting the help of
                  modern building designed to foster col-  apply regardless of the current crises   August. The first was to gain approval   a small group to help us analyze the
                  laborative, innovative problem solving   we find ourselves in. Woven into each of   to have an Alabama State University   data and look for positive actions we   Catholic Services                                Staff
                  with teams of Airmen.            the three values is respect: respect for   plane complete with nose art and an   can take to ensure ALL Airmen have                                             Publisher ..............................................................Paul Kinison
                   The other purpose of the building is   yourself, respect for the organization   outreach event  to celebrate  the of-  the same opportunities to progress and   All Catholic services are canceled until further notice.  Business manager  ...............................................Lisa Kinison
                  to house the cadet honor court. Before   and respect for each other. We all have   ficial unveiling. We have made a lot of   develop. So far, the one thing we all                               Editor .......................................................... Deborah Leuthold
                                                   the responsibility to hold each other
                  sophisticated navigation systems were   accountable to respecting the Core   progress and are on track for an early   can agree on is we ALL can do a bet-                                       Advertising representative ................................Sandi Bueltel
                  developed, people navigated by using   Values and each other. It’s integral   September unveiling, perhaps even a   ter job of mentoring each other so all   Protestant Services, Studies        Designer .................................................................Tinna Sellie
                  the North Star.  The concept of the   to the success of each team and the   fly-over before the Labor Day Classic   Airmen understand career paths and   and Programs ONLY                            Published by Aerotech News and Review, Inc.
                  building is if a cadet has done some-  organization at large.     on September 5th against Tuskegee.   requirements for promotion and career                                                            877- 247-9288 •                                 courtesy photo
                  thing to stray off course and appear in   Last August, September and October,   The second initiative was to better un-  development.                  Find up-to-date information at Davis-Monthan                                            Military working dogs are one of the most criti-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Aerotech News and Review prepares all editorial content for Desert Lightning
                                                                                                                                                                         Chapel Facebook page.                     News. The editor will edit or rewrite submitted material for clarity, brevity or to   cal resources to defending the Davis-Monthan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Air Force Base.
               Remember patience                                                                                                                                         9 a.m. Live stream to include a link to join our   as required by Air Force Instruction 35-101. Contributions for Desert Lightning
                                                                                                                                                                      •  Facebook Event page - Contemporary Service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   conform to the Associated Press Style Guide, local policy and Air Force style
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   News can be emailed to the editor at Submission
                                                                                                                                                                         Sunday School live via Zoom and Children’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   deadlines are the 15th day prior to the month of publication. Submissions will be
                                                                                                                                                                         Church (lesson, materials and activities)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Davis-Monthan Air Force Base website, the Armed Forces Information Service,
                                                                                                                                                                      •  Facebook Event page - Gospel Service 11:30   based on space available and priority. Desert Lightning News uses information from   Notice of claim
                          by Chief Master Sgt.                 An old man went to see his doctor for a checkup. When   He moved up right behind her and asked once more,   a.m. Live stream to include a link to join our   Air Force News Service, Air Combat Command, staff writers and other sources.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   All advertising is handled by Aerotech News and Review, 220 E. Ave. K4, Suite
                           BRIAN BISCHOFF                    he was done the doctor asked if there was anything else   “Hey, honey, what’s for dinner?”                  Sunday School live via Zoom and Children’s   7, Lancaster, CA 93535. For business advertising, call 877-247-9288 or email   In accordance with Air Force Instruction 34-
                                                             wrong. The old man said he was concerned about his wife   His wife replied, “For the third time, it’s meatloaf!”  Church (lesson, materials and activities)   Sandi Bueltel at For classified advertising, email     511, notice is hereby given that Tech. Sgt. Isiah S.
                             960th Cyberspace Wing           and that her hearing seemed to be going.        The point is, sometimes it’s not “them,” it’s you.                                                           Blevins, 41st Electronic Combat Squadron, Davis-
                 “Patience is not passive, on the contrary, it is concen-  The doctor asked how bad it was, and the old man said   I try to remember that and do a gut check when I am   •  Adult Sunday School, Young Adult Ministries,   tDesert Lightning News is published by Aerotech News and Review, a pri-  Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, is deceased.
               trated strength.” - Bruce Lee                 he wasn’t sure. The doctor said to ask her something and   feeling stressed and impatient. I ask myself a few things:   Wednesday Night Gospel Study, AWANA,   vate firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under written agree-  The undersigned has been appointed Summary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ment with the 355th Fighter Wing. Contents of Desert Lightning News are
                 I hope you are having a good Air Force day. If not …   keep getting closer until she responds, and then they   One, is this an actual emergency, or just my emergency?   PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel)   not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government,   Court Officer for the purpose of estate settlement
               patience, grasshopper.                        would know. “Excellent,” the old man thought.  Two, is the timeline realistic? Three, are things progress-  and PMOC (Protestant Men of the Chapel)   Department of Defense or the Department of the Air Force. The appearance   in accordance with AFI 34-511. All persons having
                 For those who know me, I often come across as an im-  When he arrived home, he saw his lovely wife cooking   ing or stopped?                            will be available on Zoom.                of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not   claims against the estate are hereby on notice to
               patient person. I like to think of myself as highly focused   the in the kitchen (she was an awesome cook). He asked,   These questions normally tell me if I need to step in                       constitute endorsement of the products or services advertised by the DLN,   present their claims. A written, signed statement
               with a sense of urgency, but … sometimes not.   “Hey, honey, what’s for dinner?”            and help push things along, or just relax a bit and let the                                             DOD, Air Force or Aerotech News and Review. Everything advertised in this   must be presented by mailing or in person to Capt.
                 Patience is a constant challenge I continue to battle and   No response.                  process work like it was designed to.                         Connect to these study links through our   publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without
               try to put into perspective. I sometimes have to remind   He moved closer and asked again, “Hey, honey, what’s   So, the question is, are you highly focused with a   Facebookpage or you can email:   regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physi-  Joseph C. Pawko, at 520-228-9529 or via email at
               myself not everyone sees things as I do. I use the following   for dinner?”                 sense of urgency? Or just impatient? It’s something to               cal handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the pur-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   chase, user or patron.
               story to remember that.                         Still no response.                          think about.
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