Page 5 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, September 2020
P. 5

4  September 2020  Desert Lightning News  Desert Lightning News     September 2020                                                                      5                  (from Page 1)  a problem pops up, they are able to
 Chaplain’s thoughts ...  rEscuE   reach out to one of their peers that   ECG Airman receives Purple Heart
 technical training they need to be
 successful downrange, they are   may have seen this problem before
 and get aid that way.”
 I can’t carry it for you … but I can carry you  also networking and meeting their   During these uncertain times,
 peers across each airframe.
 “It’s great for them to work here   the importance of high-end readi-
 ness has only grown more im-
 by Chaplain   can’t take the burden from his friend, but he can   and meet these folks from the other   portant. Personnel recovery has   Story and photo by Airman 1st Class
 (Capt.)   be there for him and help him when he can’t go on.  squadrons and units while building   always be an essential mission   KAITLYN ERGISH
 PHILIP STEWART  So, we learn two things from this story, in a time   friendships,” Chase said. “This way   during and will continue to be after   355th Wing Public Affairs
 when things can be hard in a way they’ve never   when you’re downrange you’re not   the COVID-19 pandemic. The Air
 355th Wing Chaplain  walking into an unfamiliar hangar                                                          Editor’s note: This story originally ran in the August
 been before. The first thing we learn from Sam: as   Force’s aircraft maintainers strive
 DAVIS-MONTHAN   much as he wants to solve his buddy’s problem,   and asking for parts or for help,   to ensure the safety of all Air Force   2020 edition of Desert Lightning News with imprecise
 AIR FORCE BASE,   he can’t make it go away or come up with a magic   you’re going to an old buddy and   assets in order to complete those   wording. It is being republished with appropriate changes.
 Ariz. — Have you seen   solution. What he can do is to be authentically   asking. This also helps them when   critical mission sets.  U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Cody Cooper, 755th Op-
 the Lord of the Rings   present, to carry his friend through the struggle,                                    erations Support Squadron Aircrew Flight Equipment
 movie, or read the book?   and to let him know he’s not alone. We can pick                                    journeyman, received the Purple Heart Medal at Davis-
 There’s a lot of things   each other up and carry each other through the                                      Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, July 9, 2020.
 that stand out in that   hard times, we can be present, and even if we                                          Cooper was deployed with the 41st Expeditionary ECS
 Chaplain (Capt.)   story, but one in particu-  can’t solve the problem, we can deal with things               in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel and the Reso-
 Philip Stewart  lar seems to have a lot   in community.                                                       lute Support mission at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan.
 of bearing on our lives   The other thing we learn is from Frodo: that                                        During this period, he was injured due to a vehicle-borne
 in a pandemic and a struggle that just contin-  it is OK to not be able to do it alone. Frodo must            improvised explosive device attack while ensuring preci-
 ues on and on. It’s a part of the story about true   be carried, because he can’t do it by himself. We,       sion electronic attack support was provided to coalition
 companionship, and what we do when the going   too, are not wired to get through life alone, but              forces throughout Afghanistan.
 gets tough.  to be in community, to rely on each other, and to                                                  “Cody did his duties with excellence,” said Col. Philip
 Near the end of the story, two characters, Sam   speak up when we need a hand. They get through               Acquaro, 55th Electronic Combat Group commander.
 and Frodo, have almost made it to their goal.   it together both because no one hesitates to help,            “During the deployment he identified 15 equipment er-
 Frodo is carrying the One Ring to a volcano,   but also because no one hesitates to ask for help              rors and expedited 12 repairs, which restored critical
 Mount Doom, in order to destroy it and defeat   when they need it.                                            life-saving flight gear.”
 evil. But the burden is too much, he’s tired, he’s   We should be mindful of both – look for oppor-  Staff Sgt. Sergio Gamboa  The Purple Heart is the oldest military award presented
 hungry, and the struggle he’s had overcomes him.   tunities to help our friends, our families, and our   Airmen assigned to the 66th Rescue Squadron execute a rescue   to U.S. service members. It is not an award for which
 He can’t go on.  wingmen carry their burdens, and to be honest   training mission during Red Flag-Rescue at Playas, New Mexico,   service members are recommended, rather it is an award
 Sam, though, his loyal friend who has traveled   with those friends, families, and wingmen when   Aug. 13, 2020. The Airmen had to rescue a simulated survivor from   that is issued based on those wounded or killed in combat.
 with him far from home, knows how to help his   we need to be carried. None of us is in this fight   an austere and contested environment while facing simulated op-  “He is an outstanding Airman and he absolutely rose to
 wingman. He says, “I can’t carry it for you, but I   alone – so let’s act like it and have those honest   posing forces. Red Flag-Rescue is the world’s premier combat   U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Cody Cooper, 755th Operations Support Squadron Aircrew Flight Equipment journey-  the occasion in those trying times,” said Lt. Col. William
 can carry you…”, and that’s just what he does. Sam   conversations.  search and rescue exercise that prepares Airmen and partners for   man, receives the Purple Heart Medal at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, July 9, 2020. Cooper’s actions   Gery, 41st EECS commander. “It was an honor serving
 the high-end fight in highly contested and degraded environments.   ensured precision electronic attack support was provided to coalition forces throughout Afghanistan.  with you.”

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