Page 7 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, September 2020
P. 7

6  September 2020  Desert Lightning News  Desert Lightning News     September 2020                                                                      7                                        
 500 Palmer Agave transplanted on South Range at Ft Huachuca  Ride with the         7010 E. Golf Links (near Fry’s)         We ARe OPeN FOR TAKeOUT ONLY

            Families never receive a bill   #1 car insurer                                 Tucson, AZ 85730                           Lunch • Dinner
            from St. Jude for treatment,                                                (520)  790-4871                     Spend $50: $5 OFF; Spend $100: $10 OFF.
 Fort Huachuca’s Conservation   reserves to sprout one flowering   Fort Huachuca’s Environmental & Natural Re-  travel, housing or food –   in Arizona.  M- F: 8–6:30 • Sat: 8–12  The Finest Middle Eastern & Mediterranean Food
 Branch of the Environmental &   stalk up to 20 feet tall. The yellow   sources Division in coordination with other area   because all a family should   ROLLING HILLS  Celebrating 20 years in business
 Natural Resources Division, in   and pink flowers attract all types   conservation agencies, transplanted 500 Palm-  worry about is helping their   With competitive rates and   Shawarma • hummus • Falafel • Gyros • Shish Kebabs •  cous cous
 coordination with the Integrated   of pollinators, including  butter-  er’s Agave in support of the migratory Lesser   child live.  personal service, it’s no   PET CLINIC  and many specialty dishes and spicy dishes
 Training Area Management Pro-  flies, birds, bees and bats.  long-nosed bat.   Treatments invented at    wonder more drivers trust   Senior & MilitaryDiscounts   15% OFF FOR MiLiTARY
 gram, the Directorate of Public   Palmer’s Agave historically oc-  St. Jude have helped push    State Farm .  whEn you MEnTion ThiS Ad
 Works’ Engineering Division, Bat   cupied a wider range on the Fort,   the overall childhood cancer   Like a good neighbor,     5855 E. Broadway Blvd., Ste. 118
 Conservation International and   but the spread of invasive grasses   survival rate from 20 percent                                    Tucson AZ 85711
 Borderlands Restoration, recently   has increased the fuel load and   to more than 80 percent since   State Farm is there .  Internal Medicine •Surgery •Orthopedics •Dentistry •Vaccines   520.745.5308
 replaced a portion of agave after   prevalence of fire in our once na-  we opened 50 years ago.    CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7.
 the development of Range 1B in   tive grasslands, which has reduced   And we won’t stop until no
 2017.  agave distribution and overall   child dies from cancer.  Dave Noel, Agent  Massage that feel better, live better!
 Five hundred Palmer’s Agave   biodiversity. This project trans-  7255 E Golf Links, E. of Kolb/KFC
 were transplanted on the South   planted young agave to suitable   Tucson, AZ 85730 • Close to D-M  Couples Massage • Detox Massage  • Swedish Massage
 Range, a primary feeding area for   habitat outside of training areas,  Deep Tissue Massage  • Reflexology Massage  Located in Oka, Tamuning, Guam
 the Lesser long-nosed bat which   increasing biodiversity without  $5 off   $10 off         Memorial Hospital is Guam’s only public
 reside on the fort from approxi-  mission constraint.  Find us on Facebook  CoMbo Massage  Couples Massage    hospital, with a licensed bed capacity of
                                                                                                               158 acute care beds, plus 40 licensed
                                    Ph. 520-747-7777
 mately June through December.   These agave will eventually         (30 min back massage and                  long-term care beds at its Skilled Nursing
 The fort hosts a significant post-  flower and provide nectar for many   30 min. foot reflexology)            Facility located in Barrigada Heights. The
 maternity population of these   species, especially the Lesser long-  Receive a free Hydrating Facial or Hot Rock add-on with any   availability of beds for actual admissions
 nectar-feeding bats, and the fort’s   nosed bat. While the Lesser long-  service ($15 value) Appointment Required  at both facilities necessarily varies in
 agave fields provide a significant   nosed bat was recently delisted   Call 800-822-6344 or visit  State Farm Mutual Automobile  accordance with the availability of fully
                                         Insurance Company
                                                                                                               trained and licensed staff.
 protected resource  to fatten  up   from the Endangered Species Act to learn more.  State Farm Indemnity Company  2729 N Campbell Ave • Tucson, AZ  2521 N Campbell Ave • Tucson, AZ
 the young of the year and their   - in large part because of Fort Hua-  A CFC Participant. Provided as a public service.  Bloomington, IL  (520) 300-6300 •  (520) 849-5327 •  CurreNT JOB OpeNiNGS
 mothers prior to their southward   chuca’s conservation efforts — it                                          GMHA is seeking qualified individuals for the following positions:
 migration for the winter.  continues to be a species at risk.                                                         Nursing, Allied Health and Other Related Positions
 Palmer’s Agave is a succulent   The fort’s efforts to conserve prop-                                           Please refer to GMHA website at for job announcements
 plant that takes up to 25 years   erly functioning grassland habitat,                                         •  All Nurse Positions  •  Hospital Occupational Therapist I, II
 to reach full maturity. Beginning   protect important food resources   Takeout is still available.  Call (520) 747-7536 for orders. Thank you for your continued support.  •  All Physician Specialties (BE/BC)  •  Hospital Pharmacist
 from a single, center core-easily   and important roosting habitat,   $  *                                    •  Hospital Physical Therapist II  •  Medical Records Coder II
                                                                                                                                       •  Respiratory Therapist I, II
                                                                                                               •  Hospital Radiological Technologist I, II
 missed in tall grass-Palmer’s   demonstrates the military mission   Photos by Fort Huachuca Environmental & Natural resource Division  LUNCH SPECIALS  6.95  •  Bio-Medical Electronic Superintendent  •  Hospital Lab. Technologist I, II, III
 Agave can grow to an eventual   can be sustained while conserving   Fort Huachuca’s Environmental & Natural Resources Division in coordination with other area conser-  Mon Chicken Taco Salad  Thurs Chicken & Bean Burrito  •  Long Term Care Admin (SNF)  •  Echocardiogram Technologist
 width of 5 feet. In its last season,   the natural resource heritage  vation agencies, transplanted 500 Palmer’s Agave in support of the migratory Lesser long-nosed bat.  Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce  w/Rice, Beans & Salsa  •  Medical Health Records Admin  •  Diagnostic Medical Sonographer I, II
 the agave will use all its energy   Courtesy of  Tues  & Garlic Bread  Fri  Lasagna w/Garlic   15% off   •  Therapeutic Recreational Act. Coord.  •  Clinical Dietitian I, II
                                                                                                               •  Hosp. Nurse Quality Improve. Specialist
                                                                                                                                       •  Chief Hospital Radiology Services
             Wed    Steak Burrito w/Rice     Bread
                    Beans & Salsa                           regular menu                                                 Applications are available at GMHA Office
                    Breakfast Special       $    99*         items with                                              or download from the GMHA website at
                    *M-F only, not valid on holidays 2.      Military ID                                       Submit application to GMHA Human Resources Department #850 Gov. Carlos
                                                                                                                    Camacho Rd. Tamuning, Guam 96913, or fax (671) 646-9215
           Joe’s             Pancake House                                                        MENUDO         This ad is paid for by GHMA funds. /s/Lilian Q perez posada MN, rN Hospital Admin CeO
                                                                                                                       For more information call (671) 647-2171/647-2409
                                                                     Serving Tucson 36 Years
                                FAMILY RESTAURANT
                                                                                                               Guam Memorial Hospital Authority
                                                                                                               #850 Gov. Carlos Camacho rd.   Visit Our Website
            2532 S. Kolb Rd. • 747-7536 • Open Mon-Sat: 6am-2pm, Sun; 7am-2pm                                  Tamuning, Guam 96913

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