Page 6 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, September 2020
P. 6

6                                                        September 2020                                    Desert Lightning News                               Desert Lightning News                                       September 2020                                                                     7
   500 Palmer Agave transplanted on South Range at Ft Huachuca

     Fort Huachuca’s Conservation   reserves to sprout one flowering                                        Fort Huachuca’s Environmental & Natural Re-
   Branch of the Environmental &   stalk up to 20 feet tall. The yellow                                     sources Division in coordination with other area
   Natural Resources Division, in   and pink flowers attract all types                                      conservation agencies, transplanted 500 Palm-
   coordination with the Integrated   of pollinators, including  butter-                                    er’s Agave in support of the migratory Lesser
   Training Area Management Pro-  flies, birds, bees and bats.                                              long-nosed bat.
   gram, the Directorate of Public   Palmer’s Agave historically oc-
   Works’ Engineering Division, Bat   cupied a wider range on the Fort,
   Conservation International and   but the spread of invasive grasses
   Borderlands Restoration, recently   has increased the fuel load and
   replaced a portion of agave after   prevalence of fire in our once na-
   the development of Range 1B in   tive grasslands, which has reduced
   2017.                         agave distribution and overall
     Five hundred Palmer’s Agave   biodiversity. This project trans-
   were transplanted on the South   planted young agave to suitable
   Range, a primary feeding area for   habitat outside of training areas,
   the Lesser long-nosed bat which   increasing biodiversity without
   reside on the fort from approxi-  mission constraint.
   mately June through December.   These agave will eventually
   The fort hosts a significant post-  flower and provide nectar for many
   maternity population of these   species, especially the Lesser long-
   nectar-feeding bats, and the fort’s   nosed bat. While the Lesser long-
   agave fields provide a significant   nosed bat was recently delisted
   protected resource  to fatten  up   from the Endangered Species Act
   the young of the year and their   - in large part because of Fort Hua-
   mothers prior to their southward   chuca’s conservation efforts — it
   migration for the winter.     continues to be a species at risk.
     Palmer’s Agave is a succulent   The fort’s efforts to conserve prop-
   plant that takes up to 25 years   erly functioning grassland habitat,
   to reach full maturity. Beginning   protect important food resources
   from a single, center core-easily   and important roosting habitat,
   missed in tall grass-Palmer’s   demonstrates the military mission                                    Photos by Fort Huachuca Environmental & Natural resource Division
   Agave can grow to an eventual   can be sustained while conserving   Fort Huachuca’s Environmental & Natural Resources Division in coordination with other area conser-
   width of 5 feet. In its last season,   the natural resource heritage  vation agencies, transplanted 500 Palmer’s Agave in support of the migratory Lesser long-nosed bat.
   the agave will use all its energy          Courtesy of

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