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Vol. 62, No. 20
                                                                                                                                              May 22, 2015

Published in the interest of Fort Huachuca personnel and their families. Online @ or via smartphone.

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Army researchers look for permanent end to Ebola virus

Story and photo by ECBC Communications                    proteins, GP and VP40, which are pres-

   ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. — The                     ent. This type of research is foundation-
U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, or
ECBC, and the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute        al in creating a long-term solution to a
of Infectious Diseases, or USAMRIID, are partnering to
help expedite progress in the global fight against Ebola.  devastating disease.

   ECBC is working with USAMRIID on two critical          “Our role was to blindly and inde-
studies — a vaccine study and a biomarker study — that
will advance the global fight against Ebola.               pendently quantitate the amount of

   Ebola is a rare and deadly disease caused by infec-    protein present in each vaccine com-
tion with the Ebola virus. The largest Ebola outbreak in
history, which began in December 2013, is still ongo-     bination. With this information, we
ing. This disease has a high death rate — to date, there
have been 22,000 cases and 9,000 deaths attributed to     hope to better understand the varying
the most recent outbreak — with no known cure or ef-
fective vaccine. ECBC and USAMRIID are trying to          degrees of protection observed during
change that.
                                                          the vaccine study,” said Trevor Glaros,
   USAMRIID, the Department of Defense’s lead labo-
ratory for medical biological defense research, called    an ECBC mass spectrometry core fa-
upon the ECBC-US Army Medical Research Institute
of Chemical Defense Mass Spectrometry Core Facility       cility manager leading the ECBC/US-
to assist with two of its ongoing Ebola research pro-
grams — characterizing a potential vaccine and identi-    AMRIID Ebola collaboration.                 U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center and U.S. Army Medical Research
fying biomarkers of infection.                               In addition to vaccine research,         Institute of Infectious Diseases researchers, with help from Thermo Fisher Scien-
   For the vaccine work, ECBC is analyzing several dif-   ECBC is also supporting USAMRIID            liquid chromatography pump and auto sampler to help analyze biomarkers for a
ferent vaccine preparations provided by USAMRIID          to discover Ebola-specific biomarkers        possible Ebola vaccine.
to quantify VP40 and glycoprotein concentrations ex-      in serum. The scientists will analyze
pressed in virus-like particles generated from Ebola
(strains Zaire and Sudan). The aim is to monitor quality  Ebola-infected serum to discover a protein-based panel tosampler. This new equipment relieves the burden on
control of the vaccine production process and to deter-
mine if a correlation can be made between protective      of biomarkers.                                             existing instrumentation and, given its technological
immunity and the amount of Ebola-specific structural
                                                          “The hope is that this panel of biomarkers will consti- advancements, allows for a more rapid and thorough

                                                          tute a unique fingerprint for Ebola infection, which can analysis. ECBC’s contribution to USAMRIID’s Ebola

                                                          be used to diagnose patients before symptoms develop,” research demonstrates how various organizations team

                                                          stated Lisa Cazares, the USAMRIID researcher leading up to provide solutions for the world’s most difficult and

                                                          the project. A tool like this would give first responders dangerous challenges.

                                                          the ability to administer the appropriate care and the un- “It is important for us to support our DOD part-

                                                          precedented ability to track the disease outbreak in real ners with this kind of critical research,” said Jennifer

                                                          time. Biological analysis of this scope required addi- Sekowski, Ph.D., of ECBC. “Our goal in creating the

                                                          tional instrumentation, which ECBC was able to secure Mass Spectrometry Core Facility in 2013 was to set up

                                                          from its partner, Thermo Fisher Scientific.                 a collaborative resource for all of the DOD. We have

                                                          Thermo Fisher Scientific loaned ECBC a complete the equipment, the expertise, and the necessary safety

                                                          Q Exactive Plus mass spectrometry system with a protocols in place, so we are thrilled to be able to share

                                                          Dynex nanoflow liquid chromatography pump and au- it with our partners.”

2/13th Aviation welcomes new commander, bids one farewell

Story and photo by Natalie Lakosil                        Brigade Commander Col. Shawn Prickett, 1st Aviation        Incoming Commander Lt. Col. Daniel Isabell, 2nd Battalion 13th
Staff Writer                                              Brigade, Fort Rucker, Alabama.
                                                                                                                     Aviation Regiment, addresses the crowd as the new battalion
   Two Soldiers’ paths changed direction during a            “Much of that is due to the personal efforts and lead-
change of command ceremony Wednesday morning at           ership of Clint Conzemius,” Prickett added. I know you     commander during the change of command ceremony at Libby
Libby Army Airfield.                                       positively impacted hundreds of individual Soldiers,       $UP\$LU¿HOG:HGQHVGD\
                                                          leaders and families. Dan, you’ve got big shoes to fill
   Incoming Commander Lt. Col. Daniel Isabell took        literally and figuratively but I know you will answer
control of the 2nd Battalion 13th Aviation Regiment       the call. Without a doubt this team and family here at
from outgoing Commander Lt. Col. Clinton Conzem-          2/13th will embrace you and your family so you can
ius.                                                      continue this awesome responsibility.”

   “In my opinion there is not another training battal-      Conzemius has been stationed at Fort Huachuca
ion that has the ability to so significantly impact such   for the past 24 months. He is retiring from the Army
an important asymmetric capability that Army avia-        and will reside in Patagonia where he plans to reinvent
tion and military intelligence bring to the fight,” said
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