Page 3 - Scout 5-22-15
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FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2015 The Scout 3A
Health center gets new enlisted leadership
Story and photos by Lisa Tourtelot After 32 years of service, Noetzleman handed se- &RO/DQFH5DQH\WKHFRPPDQGLQJRI¿FHURI5D\PRQG:%OLVV
Raymond W. Bliss Army Health Center nior enlisted responsibilities to Sgt. Maj. Arnold Hill, Army Health Center, right, presents an award to Sgt. Maj. Douglas
now sergeant major of the health center, and formally Noetzleman, the outgoing sergeant major of the health center,
The Soldiers and staff of Raymond W. Bliss Army retired. at a change of responsibility and retirement ceremony May 15.
Health Center bid farewell to their senior enlisted lead- 1RHW]HOPDQUHOLQTXLVKHGKLVUHVSRQVLELOLW\RI5:%$+&WR6JW
er, Sgt. Maj. Douglas Noetzleman, in a retirement and “It has been truly a wonderful and sometimes chal- Maj. Arnold Hill and retired after 32 years of service.
change of responsibility ceremony here May 15. lenging experience, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything
else,” said Noetzleman of his tenure in the Army. called the health center and Fort Huachuca “one of the
6JW 0DM$UQROG +LOO WKH QHZ VHUJHDQW PDMRU RI 5D\PRQG : best kept secrets in the Army.”
Bliss Army Health Center, gives his remarks after a change of Noetzleman came to the health center following a
responsibility and retirement ceremony May 15. career that spanned the globe, from Texas, where he The ceremony marked the beginning of several sig-
earned his basic specialty training as a biomedical nificant leadership changes coming this summer to the
equipment technician, to time on the drill field and as- health center. Raney is set to leave his command in
signments around the nation, Middle East and Korea. June, among other major leadership roles expected to
change hands over the coming months.
“Over the past two years, Sergeant Major has done a
great job at solving problems,” said Col. Lance Raney,
the commanding officer of the health center. “He al-
ways met the challenges with a positive attitude. He
was always professional and he always set the stan-
Noetzleman’s outgoing advice for young Soldiers
was to seek out higher education.
“I always thought that you don’t need a degree and
that my experience would be enough,” he said. “At my
24-year mark … I realized I had very limited options
available to me in medical maintenance.”
Upon this realization, Noetzleman went on to com-
plete first a bachelor’s degree in 2009, followed by a
Master of Business Administration. He now describes
his civilian job opportunities as almost too much to
choose from.
For his part, Hill is eager to take on his new role and
From )$5(:(//, Page 1A the opportunity to be assigned here, so it’s high adventure to a certain extent. We’ve
been very well received, very pleased with the facilities here and with the command
himself and travel the world. group,” Isabell said, adding that he wanted to continue the job of making the Sol-
“Lieutenant Colonel Isabell, I welcome you and your family,” Conzemius said diers the best possibly trained Soldiers for the warfighters in the field.
during his speech at the ceremony. “The battalion is extremely fortunate to receive “Clint, we can see the fruits of your efforts before us,” Isabell said. “Thank you
a leader of your caliber and to help guide this organization through the upcoming for being a great friend during this transition and Godspeed. To the Soldiers, dur-
challenges. ing the last 30 days, I’ve had the chance to meet many of you and I look forward to
continue service together.”
“The hardest part is leaving so many projects undone. The next year is going to
be very challenging, so it would be nice to see our work come to fruition due to the Isabell’s wife Tamara and three children were at the ceremony.
nature of the challenges but I think we’ve got the pieces in place to ensure success The 2/13TH Aviation Regiment, formerly known as the Unmanned Aircraft Sys-
whether I’m here or not,” Conzemius said. “I think that’s the mark of any leader. If tems Training Battalion, is located at Fort Huachuca. Its primary mission is to train
you can leave an organization and still accomplish its mission then you did a good Soldiers in the operation and maintenance of the RQ-7B Shadow, MQ-5B Hunter,
job.” and MQ-1C Gray Eagle unmanned aircraft systems.
“We are very excited to be here at Fort Huachuca. This is the first time we’ve had
PHOTOS BY NATALIE LAKOSIL Incoming Commander Lt. Col. Daniel Isabell, 2nd Battalion 13th Aviation Regiment passes the
From left, Megan Conzemius and outgoing Commander Lt. Col. Clinton Conzemius, 2nd Battalion, colors to Command Sgt. Maj. Todd Schmidt completing the change of command ceremony on
13th Aviation Regiment, say their goodbye to Capt. Kenieth Mayweather, Charlie Company, 2/13th and Brigade Commander Col. Shawn Prickett, 1st Aviation Brigade. The group is joined by the