Page 5 - Scout 5-22-15
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FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2015 The Scout 5A
Girl Scouts provide Community Library to FH residents
)URP OHIW $OH[D +RSSLQJ -RUGDQ %HDWW\ DQG /LOOLDQ 6Q\GHU Story and photo by Jolene Cooper ing to troop members. The bookshelf was donated
unload and place books on a bookshelf at the Mountain Vista Communities by Discount Furniture.
Community Center May 13. The seven members of Girl Scout Cadet Troop Marketing Outreach Coordinator
603 collected books from MVC residents during Fort Huachuca’s post-wide Madison Whitworth, 11, said, “I had fun col-
yard sale in April and Discount Furniture donated a bookshelf to provide Mountain Vista Communities lecting the books at the yard sale. Everyone was
09&UHVLGHQWVZLWKWKHOLEUDU\1RWSLFWXUHGLV0DGLVRQ:KLWZRUWKZKR very nice and I’m thankful they gave so much.”
also helped unload and shelf the books. Girl Scout Troop 603 has provided Mountain
Vista Communities (MVC) residents with a Com- Jordan Beatty, 12, said; “Thanks to doing
munity Library at the MVC Community Cen- cookie sales and other training, I’m used to talk-
ter when they installed a donated bookshelf and ing to crowds, so it was fun getting donations for
books May 13. the bookshelf and asking you [MVC] to help us.”
The troop, made up of seven sixth and seventh When Alexa Hopping, 12, was asked what she
grade cadets, will earn their Silver Award for their hopes this project will bring to her community, she
efforts in this self-sustaining project that requires replied, “A lot of kids struggle with reading, and
them to collaborate on something that benefits I think it’s because they can’t always find books
their community. they like. I hope this helps people that struggle
with reading and makes it fun for them.”
In order to earn their Silver Award, the Girl
Scouts needed to fulfill 50 hours of work serving There is no cost to take a book home. The idea
the community for their project and also complete is that books will be returned or replaced by an-
a written essay. other book donation. The library consists of a
variety of genres ranging from children’s stories
Mountain Vista Communities Senior Com- and books for young adults and adults. Offerings
munity Manager Stacey Loucks said, “We were include the popular Harry Potter stories and even
so excited when the Girl Scouts came to us with mystery novels.
this idea [in April]. Our staff had actually been
thinking of doing something similar in the hous- The Community Library is located in the
ing office, but this is even better. The Girl Scouts main lobby of the MVC Community Center at
are helping themselves while helping out all our 802 Rucker. The building and library are open to
residents.” MVC residents from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday to
Thursday, and until 11 p.m. on Friday and Satur-
The books were donated by and are for use by day.
MVC residents. During Fort Huachuca’s post-
wide yard sale in April, the scouts went door-to- For more information about MVC, the com-
door seeking donations for this project and had an munity center or the Community Library, call
enormous response from the community accord- 520.595.4058.
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