Page 4 - Scout 5-22-15
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4A The Scout                                                                                                                                                               FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2015

              Civilian of the Month                                                                                             Motorcycle safety is not just

                                      Civilian of the Month: Darrick Foote                                                      for May, but for entire year

                                      Agency: Network Enterprise Technology Command                                             Fort Huachuca Safety Team                  ing general’s Dec. 31 Memorandum for
                                                                                                                                                                           Record, “The Motorcycle Mentorship
                                      Position and duties: Financial management analyst                                            Each year, the National Highway         Program provides installation level re-
                                                                                                                                Traffic Safety Administration desig-        quirements for commanders to identify,
                                      supporting NETCOM’s major subordinate units                                               nates May as Motorcycle Safety Aware-      counsel and track military and civil-
                                                                                                                                ness Month which coincides with the        ian motorcycle riders under their com-
                                      How long at current assignment: 7 years on June 2                                         beginning of motorcycle riding season      mand.”
                                                                                                                                for many Soldiers and also serves as the
                                      How long in government service: Almost 7 years                                            early kick-off for the annual “101 Criti-     The purpose of the program is to
                                                                                                                                cal Days of Summer Safety” program.        prescribe training, and equipment re-
                                      Residence: Sierra Vista resident, born and raised here.                                                                              quirements for all personnel assigned
                                                                                                                                   Motorcycle accidents continue to be a   or attached to Fort Huachuca who oper-
                                      Family: “I was born in 1986 to Darryl and Jane Foote.                                     leading cause of accidental death in the   ate a motorcycle on and off post. These
                                                                                                                                U.S. Army. During fiscal year 2014, 34      requirements are mandatory for all Ser-
     Darrick Foote                    I have two siblings, Shauna and Dustin Foote [but] no                                     Soldiers were killed while riding their    vice members and optional and encour-
                                      family of my own to date.”                                                                motorcycles, a figure that represents       aged for retirees, civilians and family
                                                                                                                                approximately 43 percent of all private    members, according to the memoran-
     Hobbies: “Outside of work I enjoy spending time with family and friends,                                                   motor vehicle fatalities occurring dur-    dum.
                                                                                                                                ing the year.
May  working out, being active as much as possible, diesel trucks, finance excites                                                                                         Operator safety training offered
                                                                                                                                   Leader engagement and enhanced             The Army Progressive Motorcycle
     me(hence the job). I enjoy learning how things work (I am a strategic, sys-                                                training opportunities have helped drive
                                                                                                                                advances in operator and rider safety      Program is designed to consistently
     temic thinker). Oh, and I LOVE to eat.”                                                                                    during the past several years. Leader in-  keep operator training current and sus-
                                                                                                                                volvement and a greater awareness and      tain or enrich rider skills. The program
     Accomplishments: Associate Degree in Business from Cochise College                                                         understanding of the program is needed     consists of courses for basic riders, ex-
                                                                                                                                to ensure all Soldiers are prepared to     perienced riders, motorcycle sports rid-
     and Bachelor of Business Administration in Management from Northern                                                        ride in a safe and disciplined manner.     ers, skills refreshment and sustainment.

     Arizona University.                                                                                                        Engagement through Mentorship                 Before operating any motorcycle,
                                                                                                                                   Per the Fort Huachuca command-          Soldiers must successfully complete
     Advice: “Be careful who you take advice from. With so many different cir-
                                                                                                                                                                                  See MOTORCYCLE, Page 11A
     cumstances and experiences unique to individuals and their situations, I feel

     advice should be given and taken, prudently.

     Other comments: “I actually started here as a summer intern for NET-

     COM G8 within the accounting division while finishing my Bachelor in

     Business Administration from Northern Arizona University. After com-

     pleting my degree I was offered a full-time permanent position within the

     Budget division. I found the NETCOM mission and the work required

     within resource management exciting and challenging, so of course I had to

     stay and see what followed. Now, seven years later, I still enjoy the work I

     am doing and feel I provide the right skillset for NETCOM and the Army

     within my field.”

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