Page 2 - Scout 5-22-15
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2A The Scout                                                                                                                                                                           FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2015

                                                                         Scout speaks!

                                     Message from the Commanding General

                                                         MEMORIAL DAY SAFETY MESSAGE

      On Memorial Day we honor the sacrifice made by those who have given their                                    prior to your activity and prepare accordingly. Hydration, water safety, and fire
lives to preserve and protect this land that we love. Let their example of courage,                               awareness should be high on your list. For those who love to grill, almost 9,000
shared sacrifice, can do attitude, service to others, and unity continue to inspire us                             home fires are caused by grilling every year and May is the second highest month
all. It’s an honor to wear the uniform and serve this great Nation. Thank you all for                             of the year for these fires.
what you do.
                                                                                                                     Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend, but don’t forget why it is we celebrate this
   Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial kickoff to summer and with the benefit                                    holiday. We honor the strength, resolve, and the love so many brave Americans felt
of the long weekend, there isn’t a better excuse to plan a short getaway. For those                               for each other and for our country. They will always be remembered by a grate-
of you planning a trip or if you are staying local, let me remind you over 37 million                             ful Nation, their sacrifice will always prove worthy, and their story will never be
Americans will journey 50 miles or more from home this Memorial Day making                                        forgotten.
this year the highest travel volume for the holiday in 10 years. An overwhelming
88 percent of holiday travelers will travel by vehicle, according to the American                                    Always Out Front! Army Strong!
Automobile Association. These statistics add up to increased traffic on roads and
highways and significantly increase the possibility of vehicle accidents. I implore                                ROBERT P. ASHLEY
you all to talk to your Soldiers and civilian employees within your organizations                                 Major General, USA
about vehicle safety and remain vigilant while traveling this holiday weekend.                                    Commanding

   As we draw near the summer season, outdoor activities of Soldiers and civilians
will increase dramatically. I urge you all to get out and enjoy the beautiful sur-
rounding areas of Sierra Vista and Southern Arizona; however, take a few minutes

Scout on the Street:                                                                                                                              What safety tip is especially important
                                                                                                                                                            to follow during the summer?
Compiled by Stephanie Caffall

              Michael Negard

                 U.S. Combat Readiness Center

                                                    Robert Troup


                                                                                         Jeff Speer

                                                                                                                Safety Engineer Director, NETCOM

                                                                                                                                Casey Cole

                                                                                                                                                                 Service Division Manager, United Fire

                                                                                                                                                                     Mike Wiliams

                                                                                                                                                                                                               USAICoE Safety Director

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Michele Mills

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             American Red Cross

“When it comes to driving — it       “Watch where you put your           “Watch your surroundings so you          “Don’t keep your barbecue       “The most important thing is for     “The biggest thing is planning
can wait. Meaning that phone         hands and where you walk. It’s      don’t slip and fall.”                    [grill] so close to your house  everyone to drive defensively and    so you have a plan in case some-
call, that text, that dropping your  up to you to pay attention to your                                           when you’re using it.”          to not be distracted. Pay attention  thing happens.”
wallet and trying to get it, eating  surroundings. Always carry a                                                                                 to what you’re doing.”
a hamburger — it can wait. Do        ÀDVKOLJKWDWQLJKW´
the task at hand and get from
point A to B safely.”

the fort huachuca Scout ®                                ZD\FRQQHFWHGZLWK'$XQGHUH[FOXVLYHZULWWHQ              ,IDYLRODWLRQRUUHMHFWLRQRIWKLVHTXDORSSRUWXQLW\  Command Staff
                                                         FRQWUDFWZLWKWKH86$UP\,QWHOOLJHQFH&HQWHURI      SROLF\E\DQDGYHUWLVHULVFRQ¿UPHGWKHSULQWHUVKDOO     Commanding General ..... 0DM*HQ5REHUW$VKOH\
    This newspaper is an authorized publication for      ([FHOOHQFHDQG)RUW+XDFKXFD7KHFLYLOLDQSULQWHU      UHIXVHWRSULQWDGYHUWLVLQJIURPWKDWVRXUFHXQWLOWKH     Garrison Commander ......... &RO7KRPDV$%RRQH
                                                         LVUHVSRQVLEOHIRUDOODGYHUWLVLQJ                      YLRODWLRQLVFRUUHFWHG7KHDSSHDUDQFHRIDGYHUWLVLQJ      3XEOLF$IIDLUV2I¿FHU ...................... Angela Camara
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    ,W LV SXEOLVKHG ZHHNO\ H[FHSW &KULVWPDV DQG  2UVHQGHPDLOWRNHQQHWKDURELQVRQ                                                                   Co-owners ............................3DXODQG/LVD.LQLVRQ
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