Page 18 - Desert Lightning News 12-4-15
P. 18

18                                            December 4, 2015                                                                     Desert Lightning News



Luke veteran survives three wars, plane crash

Tech. Sgt.Timothy Boyer                       War in 1952 flying air-to-ground mis-                                                                                                                           (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Timothy Boyer)
                                              sions as part of the 8th Fighter Bomber
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs              Wing in my F-80 Shooting Star.”            Retired Lt. Col. Alma Skousen shows off his flight suit October 30, 2015, in his Mesa, Ariz., home.
                                                                                         Skousen flew combat missions in the Korean and Vietnam wars, was awarded the Distinguished
   LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz. -- “I              His missions were dangerous             Flying Cross for acts of heroism and extraordinary achievement while participating in an aerial
should have been shot down,” he said,         from the very start.                       flight. Skousen ended his flying career with more than 6,000 flying hours.
recalling one of his 133 missions in his
F-4 Phantom II during the Vietnam                “My first mission there was bomb-        transmitter and receiver that detected    dents what the airplane could do. They
War. “I was patrolling a river just above     ing a place just across a demilitarized    an object in its path. When it came       were tentative at first, but then when
the demilitarized zone. There was a           zone on the hillside between North         within a specified distance from a tar-    they would see what the airplane could
large cargo boat the enemy would use          and South Korea,” Skousen said.  “I        get, it would explode and, often packed   do they would become much more ag-
to transport supplies so I figured I might     had a little scare because I found         with razor sharp coils or other destruc-  gressive and have fun with it.”
as well sink it. I established a run to drop  out later there was a flight of MiGs        tive items, would destroy the target.
a rocket into it. I should have noticed it    waiting to surprise attack us, but we                                                   These stories represent a mere
was tied shore to shore, which was un-        made it out before they acted.”               “But this time it didn’t explode,”     glimpse into the life of an American
usual. It turned out to be a trap.”                                                      Skousen said. “It went on up about        hero who spent his life in service to
                                                 Skousen had become no stranger          10,000 feet above us and exploded         his country. He was the recipient
   Retired Lt. Col. Alma Skousen,             to danger, but it was during a non-        there, so we made it out.”                of the Distinguished Flying Cross
a humble, soft-spoken 89-year-old             combat flight in the U.S. that he sur-                                                for acts of heroism or extraordinary
fighter pilot, served his country dur-         vived a crash.                                Skousen’s illustrious career con-      achievement while participating in
ing three wars, encountered Soviet                                                       tinued for many years. He worked          an aerial flight. But most importantly,
MiG fighters in battle and survived               “I had an accident, the only one I      his way into leadership positions and     Skousen left a legacy of excellence for
a jet crash before ending his flying           ever had, in a T-33 Shooting Star,” he     eventually ended his flying career         those who came after him to emulate,
career as the 311th Tactical Fighter          said. “I was stationed at Travis and they  at Luke Air Force Base as the com-        and has advice to guide their careers.
Training Squadron, now known as the           sent me up to Washington to be a part      mander of the 311th Tactical Fighter
311th Fighter Squadron, commander             of an inspection team. Before return-      Training Squadron, where he trained          “Work hard,” Skousen said. “Peo-
in 1973 at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz.         ing to Travis, I noticed there was some-   young pilots to be war-ready Airmen.      ple nowadays want to start at the
                                              thing wrong with the turbine wheel. I                                                top and not at the bottom. I had to
   “Just as I was in my run pretty good,      prepared to hop on a C-47 Skytrain to         “My favorite memories of Luke          do a lot of things I didn’t want to do,
they were over me, under me, behind           fly back when the sergeant ran up and       were flying the F-4 Phantom II, going      but I did them because you start at
me,” he continued. “I was taking fire          said they got the parts to fix my jet if I  down to the ranges and teaching the       the bottom and work your way to
from everywhere. Somehow every                wanted to wait. So I did.”                 students how to maneuver that plane,”     the top. Always do your best.”
shot seemed to go behind my airplane                                                     Skousen said. “I’d get to show new stu-
and I made it out with my life.”                 After hours of repairs, the maintain-
                                              ers cleared Skousen’s jet for flight.
   Skousen’s love for aviation began
at a young age.                                  “We got up to about 24,000 feet
                                              when I heard a loud ‘bang’ and saw
   “When I was a little boy I saw             a piece of the turbine wheel fall off
an airplane flying,” Skousen, now a            at the 10 o’clock position and cut my
resident of Mesa, Ariz., said. “It was        rudder cable,” he said. “I found out I
1934. I got my brother to go with me          lost a pie-shape piece of the turbine
to the little dirt strip the pilot land-      wheel. I tried to eject the canopy, but
ed on. At that time, pilots wanted            it malfunctioned, so I had no choice
to help anybody who was interested            but to look for somewhere to land.”
in airplanes. They wanted to keep it
going. Talking to that pilot was the             Skousen’s wheels touched the
beginning of my dream to fly.”                 recently-plowed farmland, but his
                                              body paid the price.
   Skousen enlisted in the Army Air
Corps fresh out of high school in                “When the jet hit the ground the
1943 during World War II.                     canopy and my helmet flew off and I
                                              got three compression fractures of my
   “I wanted to be a hot-shot fighter          vertebrae. I had to spend one-and-a-
pilot, but I didn’t get to fly at that         half months in the hospital after that.
time,” he said.                               That was in 1957, and I worried that
                                              my flying career might be over.”
   Skousen became a C-54 Skymas-
ter flight engineer, but held onto                Skousen recovered and in 1967 was
his childhood dream of being a pi-            sent to fly combat missions in Vietnam.
lot. When the war ended, so did his
enlistment. Skousen went back to                 “Over Hanoi, Vietnam, my back-
civilian life until he joined the rela-       seater said, ‘We’ve got a missile on our
tively new Air Force in 1951.                 tail!’ and it was too near us to do any-
                                              thing,” he said, laughing at the memo-
   “I went to flight school at Williams        ry of his fellow Airman’s fear. “It came
Air Force Base, right here in Chandler,       right by us which was concerning be-
Ariz.,” he said. “I went off to the Korean     cause it had a proximity fuse.”

                                                 The proximity fuse was a radio
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