Page 19 - Desert Lightning News 12-4-15
P. 19

Desert Lightning News                       December 4, 2015                                                                          19



Guardian Angel retires after 41 years of service

Airman 1st Class Jake Carter                live a normal life and settle down. We                                                                                                                     (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jake Carter)
                                            moved to Annapolis, Maryland, started
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs           our family, and I maintained my career      Retired Chief Master Sgt. Paul Koester, 58th Rescue Squadron chief enlisted manager, shadows
                                            by working weekends in the Guard.”          an Airman participating in a training scenario Oct. 22 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. At the time of
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev.                                                          his retirement, Koester was the oldest enlisted member actively serving in the Air Force, as well as
-- The year is 1974. The Vietnam               From 1987 to 2003, Koester               the longest serving Pararescue Airman in history.
War is on its way to an end after al-       served at Francis S. Gabreski ANG
most 15 years of fighting. The U.S.          base in New York where he was a                With his combined service years               “I am honored beyond belief to have
Air Force was trying to give Ameri-         part of the 102nd Rescue Squadron.          totaling 41, Koester says the biggest         the opportunity to preside over this re-
ca the upper hand.                                                                      challenge he has faced is balancing           tirement ceremony,” said Gen. Hawk
                                               “I had a few deployments from 1997       his two families.                             Carlisle, Air Combat Command com-
   Also in 1974, a young man named          to 2002, and of course in that time 9/11                                                  mander, who presided over Koester’s
Paul Koester decided that he wanted         hit,” Koestersaid. “It wasa game changer       “You’ve got your wife and kids at          retirement ceremony. “Chief Koester is
to join the world’s greatest Air Force.     for everybody. Our team responded to        home that hear a little bit about it, see     much too humble of a man to admit
                                            the World Trade Center; we were some        it on the news, but they really have no       this, but very few people serve long
   Originally from Colorado                 of the first guys on the ground and we       idea what you are going through and           enough to actually witness their legacy
Springs, Colorado, Koester planned          spent about 26 hours there.”                we don’t want to share most of the be-        in the Air Force and Chief Koester will
on serving four years as a jet engine                                                   cause of the sensitive stuff that we do,”      be able to do that.”
mechanic and that would be it. But             With the collapse of the World           Koester said. “And then you have your
during basic training, that thought         Trade Center, Koester and his team          military family. Especially as a senior          “I will tell you in my humble opin-
would never become reality.                 worked tirelessly trying to find anyone      NCO, you have a full plate. You have          ion, I believe that our PJ’s in par-
                                            who survived the building collapse.         a group of airmen that look to you            ticular are probably the top two or
   While in basic training, individu-       Koester and his team were credited          to take care of them when you’re de-          three most highly trained and skilled
als from Pararescue came to Koes-           with pulling out the last survivor that     ployed. And that’s the best part is hav-      members of the entire United States
ter and fellow trainees to see if they      dreadful day in New York City.              ing that responsibility. That is the most     military and it speaks to what Chief
would be interested in becoming a                                                       rewarding part of having the job.”            Koester has been through in his life
Pararescue Airmen. He took physi-              “After 9/11, I came back home and                                                      and what he has done,” Carlisle said.
cal training tests which included           I had to drive past the Pentagon going         With retirement in the books, Koes-
swimming to see if he was cut out           back to Annapolis,” Koester said. “Three    ter says he will miss the Air Force and          Koester plans to skydive in his
for the job. After barely making it         weeks later to the day, we were over on     deploying down range, but enjoys the          free time, conduct firearm training
through, it was on to the training          the Kuwait/Iraq border doing Operation      time he gets to spend with his family.        for military members, as well as be-
pipeline for the young Airman.              Southern Watch. After that I came back                                                    ing a gunsmith -- which he has been
                                            home and said it’s time for a change.”         “It’s great coming home at a regular       doing since 2006.
   “Back then, the pipeline was a                                                       time,” Koester said. “I’ve got two kids that
year-and-a-half, now it is two-and-            After returning home from his de-        have moved back home for the short               During his retirement ceremony,
a-half (years). All the schools that        ployment, Koester and his family won-       term and I have a grandson in the house,      he also left his battlefield airmen
they are going to throw at you jump,        dered what would happen next. With          so it’s nice to have a normal routine and     one last message.
dive, weapons tactics and survival          9/11 kick starting the war on terror,       I don’t have deploy which is great, and
to make sure you are fully prepared,”       Koester either was on duty with the         on the other hand, I don’t get to deploy         “We are the outliers when you look
Koester said. “That has not changed         Guard or at his part time job -- until      again, and that’s probably the one down-      at the overall mission of the Air Force.
one bit, if anything it has gotten bet-     deciding to return to active duty.          side which I definitely will miss.”            I use to have a very specific task, ‘kill
ter. They do a great job of weeding                                                                                                   the enemy, destroy the ability to fight,
out the people who aren’t cut for              “I called up the career field manager at     After recently celebrating his 60th        save American lives, and bring them
the job and what comes out of the           the Pentagon and said ‘I think it’s a good  birthday, Koester was the oldest enlisted     home to their families,’” Koester said.
school house; those guys are ready          time to come back in (to active duty),’”    member actively serving in the Air Force      “That hasn’t wavered since I came in
for the pipeline.”                          Koester said. “Thirty days later, we had    as well as the longest serving Pararescue     in 1974, we are still here for that very
                                            orders to Nellis in March of 2003. In       Airman in history with 13 deployments         same reason and battlefield airmen
   After successfully completing his        2005, I deployed to Afghanistan and         throughout his illustrious career.            do it the best, no question about it.”
training, Koester was sent to Elmendorf     have been going back ever since.”
Air Force Base, Alaska to start his career
as part of the 71st Aerospace Rescue and       When coming back to active duty,
Recovery Squadron. After serving over       Koester came to Nellis AFB, where he
four years at Elmendorf AFB, he was         was a part of the 58th Rescue Squadron,
credited with saving over 75 lives.         and concluded his long career in 2015.

   For the next six years from 1980 to         With Koester’s now at 41 years
1986, Koester served at McClellan AFB,      of service, he notice Airmen that he
California and Little Rock AFB, Arkan-      works with on a daily basis can be
sas, before he met his wife, Stacey.        considered his kids.

   “I was in the Air Force for almost 10       “At my age, most of the Airmen that I
years before I met Stacey when I was        deploy with are younger than my kids,”
stationed at Pope (AFB, North Caro-         Koester said. “So that is kind of differ-
lina) at the time,” Koester said. “I made   ent; and you look at them like they are
the decision to leave active duty and       your own kids, extremely professional
join the Air National Guard. I wanted       at what they do and great guys to de-
to finish graduate school, I wanted to       ploy with. Some probably look at me as
                                            a father figure and I’m fine with that.”
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