Page 20 - Desert Lightning News 12-4-15
P. 20

20 December 4, 2015                                                                                                                             Desert Lightning News

Warfighter of the week: Capt. Jeff Shi

Staff Sgt. Adam Grant                                 what I do is that I’m able to see the Air Force from                                                                                               (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Adam Grant)
                                                      a different angle and perspective than most,” said
   DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz                 Shi.                                                                                       Capt. Jeff Shi, 12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) operations
-- -- Capt. Jeff Shi, 12th Air Force (Air Forces                                                                                                  research analyst, smiles after being presented the Warfighter
Southern) operations research analyst, was rec-          That ability to see information from a different                                         of the Week from Lt. Gen. Chris Nowland, 12 AF (AFSOUTH)
ognized as the Warfighter of the Week, October         perspective is a key to success in his career field.                                        commander, during a staff meeting at Davis-Monthan AFB,
19, 2015.                                                                                                                                        Ariz., Oct. 19, 2015.
                                                         “Capt. Shi is one of the most energetic offi-
   Shi, a native of Austin, Texas, has been serv-     cers I’ve met,” said Lt. Col. Cole Gulyas, 12th AF                                         share their story. The Warfighter of the Week in-
ing in the Air Force for 4 years. After graduating    (AFSOUTH) analyses and assessments division                                                tuitive also aligns with the 12th AF (AFSOUTH)
high school, he attended the University of Texas      chief. “That, combined with his in-depth analyti-                                          commander’s priority of creating a work envi-
as an AF Reserve Officer Training Corps cadet.          cal skillset, makes him the perfect advocate for                                           ronment where someone knows you both pro-
He graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science degree      applying cutting-edge solutions across the Air                                             fessionally and personally. These outstanding
in Computer Science.                                  Force.”                                                                                    Airmen are selected by their directors based on
                                                                                                                                                 their contributions to the Air Force’s mission.
   “I joined ROTC on a whim, but after being a           In his personal time Shi enjoys recreational
part of it I realized that this was what I wanted to  shooting, playing sports, and working out to
do,” Shi said. “I wanted to be a part of something    keep himself physically fit. He’s also been trying
bigger than myself.”                                  his hand at home brewing.

   As an operations research analyst, he is re-          In the future Shi would really like to focus on
sponsible for providing integrated analysis of air,   becoming a proficient technical expert in his job
space and information operations assessments          with the hopes of returning to the test and evalu-
and lessons learned across the AFSOUTH area           ation world.
of operations.
                                                         Warfighter of the Week is an opportunity for
   “I would say that one of the best parts of doing   the Airmen throughout 12th AF (AFSOUTH) to

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