Page 1 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 10-30-15
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Volume 63, Number 18                             Serving the community of Edwards Air Force Base, California                                       October 30, 2015



by Rebecca Amber                     honor tonight provided the Unit-                                                                                                                                                                          Air Force photograph by Rebecca Amber
Staff writer                         ed States and many of our allied
                                     nations with imagery and intel-     This year’s Eagle panel consisted of honorees Lt. Col. (Ret.) Tony Bevacqua, U-2 and SR-71 instructor/test
  LANCASTER, Calif.—The              ligence data that kept our nation   pilot; Lt. Col. (Ret.) David Kerzie, U-2 chief test pilot for Lockheed Martin; Col. (Ret.) Robert Rowe, U-2 chief
Flight Test Historical Founda-       safe. U-2 and SR-71 missions put    test pilot for Lockheed Martin; Col. (Ret.) Louis Setter, U-2 instructor/test pilot; and Lt. Col. (Ret.) Ed Yeilding,
tion honored U-2 and SR-71 pi-       U.S. eyes in the sky keeping tabs   SR-71 instructor/test pilot.
lots during the annual Gathering     on those who would do us harm;
of Eagles dinner at the Antelope     keeping them honest and engage
Valley Fairgrounds Oct. 24.          in diplomacy rather than war,”
                                     said Lisa Gray, Flight Test His-
  This year’s theme was com-         torical Foundation Board of Di-
memorating the 60th anniversary      rectors chairwoman.
the 25th anniversary of the SR-71      The annual Gathering of Ea-
Smithsonian Speed Run.               gles dinner is also about raising
                                     funds that will ultimately con-
  At the end of the night, pins and  tribute to moving the Air Force
FHUWL¿FDWHVZHUHSUHVHQWHGWRWKLV  Flight Test Museum outside of the
year’s Eagle honorees. This year’s   Edwards AFB west gate, which
Eagles are:                          would provide easy access for
                                     the public.
  Lt. Col. (Ret.) Tony Bevacqua,
U-2 and SR-71 instructor/test pi-      During the evening, Gray an-
lot                                  nounced that due to a $300,000
                                     matching grant from the Conrad
  Lt. Col. (Ret.) David Kerzie,      Hilton Foundation, the Flight Test
U-2 chief test pilot for Lockheed    Historical Foundation has raised
Martin                               enough to break ground.

  Col. (Ret.) Robert Rowe, U-2         One large pledge of $50,000
chief test pilot for Lockheed Mar-   came from the Glen and Lois Ja-
tin                                  mieson Family Fund.

  Col. (Ret.) Louis Setter, U-2        “There have been more first
instructor/ test pilot
                                                     See EAGLES, Page 8
  Lt. Col. (Ret.) Ed Yeilding, SR-
71 instructor / test pilot

  “The efforts of the men we

Air Force awards LRS-B contract to Northrop Grumman

  The Air Force announced Oct. 27 the con-       years for the B-52 to 17 plus years for the       The Long Range Strike Bomber contract is        B aircraft. The APUC from the independent
tract award of Engineering and Manufactur-       B-2 - with a long range, highly survivable      composed of two parts. The contract for the       estimate supporting today’s award is $511
ing Development and early production for         bomber capable of penetrating and operating     Engineering and Manufacturing Develop-            million per aircraft, again in 2010 dollars.
the Long Range Strike Bomber to Northrop         in tomorrow’s anti-access, area denial envi-    ment, or EMD, phase is a cost-reimbursable
Grumman Corporation.                             ronment. The LRS-B provides the strategic       type contract with cost and performance in-         Based on current LRS-B independent cost
                                                 agility to launch from the United States and    centives. The incentives minimize the con-        estimates, the Air Force projects the APUC
  “The LRS-B is critical to national defense     strike any target, any time around the globe.   WUDFWRU¶VSUR¿WLIWKH\GRQRWFRQWUROFRVWDQG  for the program will be approximately a third
and is a top priority for the Air Force,” said                                                   schedule appropriately. The independent es-       of the previous B-2 stealth aircraft.
Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee             “The LRS-B will provide our nation tre-       timate for the EMD phase is $21.4 billion in
James. “We face a complex security environ-      PHQGRXVÀH[LELOLW\DVDGXDOFDSDEOHERPEHU    2010 dollars.                                       “We believe this is a reasonable and
ment. It’s imperative our Air Force invests in   and the strategic agility to respond and adapt                                                    achievable estimate. If we remain disciplined
the right people, technology, capability and     faster than our potential adversaries,” said      The second part of the contract is com-         and keep program requirements stable, we
training to defend the nation and its interests  Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Mark       SRVHGRIRSWLRQVIRUWKH¿UVWSURGXFWLRQ       should beat this estimate,” said Dr. William
— at an affordable cost.”                        A. Welsh III. “We have committed to the         lots, comprising 21 aircraft out of the total     A. LaPlante, the assistant secretary of the Air
                                                 American people to provide security in the      fleet of 100. They are fixed price options        Force for Acquisition.
  The future threat will evolve through the      skies, balanced by our responsibility to af-    with incentives for cost. Based on approved
introduction of advanced air defense systems     fordably use taxpayer dollars in doing so.      requirements, the Average Procurement Unit          7KH$LU)RUFHSURJUDPRI¿FHFRQGXFWHG
and development of more capable surface to       This program delivers both while ensuring       Cost (APUC) per aircraft is required to be        design efforts with industry over the last
air missile systems. The LRS-B is designed       we are poised to face emerging threats in an    equal to or less than $550 million per aircraft   three years to ensure requirements for the
to replace the Air Force’s aging fleets of       uncertain future.”                              in 2010 dollars when procuring 100 LRS-           aircraft were stable and allowed for the use
bombers — ranging in age from 50 plus
                                                                                                                                                                             See BOMBER, Page 4

Town Hall                                        The next semi-annual Ed-                         Briefers will include the                              For questions or
 meeting                                               wards Town Hall                               412th Force Support                             recommended topics,
                                                                                                                                                   contact the 412th Mission
                                                 meeting will be 5-9 p.m.,                       Squadron, 412th Security                            Support Group at 661-
                                                 Nov. 4 in the Airman and                        Forces Squadron, AAFES,
                                                 Family Readiness Center                         WKHVFKRROOLDLVRQRI¿FHU                                   277-0440.

                                                          (Bldg. 5620).                                    and Corvias
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