Page 6 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 10-30-15
P. 6

Desert Wings                                                                                                               October 30, 2015


New victim advocates start training                                                                                             Air Force photographs by Rebecca Amber

  The newest group of Sexual Assault Preven-

tion and Response Victim Advocates for Ed-

wards AFB attended training for their national

  The initial 40-hour training conducted is a

component of the Department of Defense Sex-

is scheduled to start serving early 2016.

  Air Force victim advocates are active duty

military personnel and DOD civilian employ-

ees selected by the Edwards Sexual Assault

Response Coordinator and provide essential

support, liaison services and care to a sexual

assault victim.

  Advocate responsibilities include:

  ‡3URYLGLQJFULVLVLQWHUYHQWLRQUHIHUUDODQG     Above: The new Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
ongoing non-clinical support                         victim advocates are (back row, left to right) Michael Olson,
                                                     Kyle Mehlhoff, Tracey Granger, Brandon King (Front Row, left
  ‡3URYLGLQJLQIRUPDWLRQRQDYDLODEOHRSWLRQV      to right) Teslin Turley, Chase Hacault, Arreonnio Jackson and
and resources to assist the victim in making in-     Veronica Calhoun. The decorated t-shirts in the background
formed decisions about the case                      were created by various individuals as part of a “Support
                                                     for Survivors” caampaign. Right: Detective John Amis, L.A.
  ‡6HUYLFHVZLOOFRQWLQXHXQWLOWKHYLFWLPVWDWHV  County Sheriff’s Department, addressed the victim advocates
support is no longer needed                          during a training day Oct. 21.

sional services to a victim

tim’s request, during investigative interviews
and medical examinations

  For more information, contact the Edwards
SAPR office at 661-277-2772 or visit http://


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