Page 8 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 10-30-15
P. 8

Desert Wings                                                                                                                                             October 30, 2015


EAGLES, from 1

ÀLJKWVRIDLUFUDIWDW(GZDUGV$)% of the year. Flanagan, who flew

than any place in the world. That the SR-71 as well as the B-2 for

is just incredible. Furthermore, Northrop Grumman, now volun-

there have been more aircraft teers at Blackbird Airpark at U.S.

speed records at Edwards AFB Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale,

than any place in the world,” said Calif. The park is an extension of

donor Keith Jamieson. “Every the AFFT Museum and is run en-

airplane that we have [in the Air tirely by volunteer efforts.
)RUFHLQYHQWRU\@À\LQJQRZKDV The 2015 Eagles were able to

had some engine, some control offer their personal experiences

system, or some design partially with the U-2 and SR-71. Guest

developed at Edwards AFB.”  speaker Melani Austin, Lockheed

“Edwards’ history and legacy Martin Skunkworks U-2 program

has touched everybody in this manager, was able to speak about

room and around the globe, and the U-2 today.

I’m going to tell you, it is impera- “Sixty years of operational ex-

tive that we continue with the his- cellence really has more to do

tory and legacy of Edwards for all than just putting a plane in the

the generations to come.”   air,” Austin said.

Throughout the night, money The first flight of the U-2 oc-

was raised through gift shop sales curred in 1955 and it was re-de-

and auctions.               signed in the 1960s. According

Volunteers, Staff Sgt. Christo- to Austin, the U-2 is considered a

pher Porter and Airman 1st Class sunset program, scheduled to re-

Cory Bond from the 412th Com- tire in 2019. At the same time, she

munications Squadron, along said they are funded with prudent

with Capt. Lien Tran and Senior actions to continue to develop ra-

Airman William Walker from the dar technologies and other warf-

412th Aerospace Medicine Squad- ighter needs. The newer platform                                                                                                                                                                            Air Force photographs by Rebecca Amber

ron, showed items during the live is 30 percent larger than the origi-  The 2015 Gathering of Eagles was held at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds. This year’s theme was commemorating
auction and helped Little Rock nal with four times the payload,

High School JROTC cadets with twice the range and a glass cock-

the silent auction. An online auc- pit that “incorporates the newest

tion will continue to be available technology.”

through Nov. 6 at www.edwards- “The last one rolled out the door        gram booklet each year that fol-     said Thomas Berard, who retired     ference with respect to solving
                            LQ3DOPGDOHLQ7KDWÀHHWRI          lows. A special video montage        from the former Air Force Flight    problems creatively and cost ef-                                                             was shown this year in memoriam      Test Center in 2011 as the execu-   fectively.”
                                                                        of Eagles who had died within the    tive director.
Each year the foundation an- aircraft is actually operational to-       last year. One of those Eagles who                                         The night ended with a panel
                                                                        passed last June, Charlie Van Nor-     Darcy Painter, 412th Commu-       discussion where the 2015 Eagles
nounces the recipient of the C. day and is actually younger than        man, worked at Edwards for 34        nications Squadron added that,      shared their experiences in the
                                                                        years with his last civil service    “Charlie was a leader who saw       SR-71 and U-2.
Gordon Fullerton Memorial most fourth generation aircraft,”             position as a senior technical ad-   size, color, age and disability as
                                                                        viser in 1998.                       pluses for individuals competing      For more information about the
Scholarship. The 2015 scholar- she said. “We know for a fact the                                             and completing Edwards’ jobs.       Air Force Flight Test Museum or
                                                                          ³,H[SHULHQFHGDÀRRGRIHPR-      He felt that our differences gave   the Flight Test Historical Founda-
ship in the amount of $2,000 was structural integrity of that plat-     tions during the recognition of his  us the valued perspective of dif-   tion visit www.edwardsmuseum.
                                                                        SDVVLQJ&KDUOLHZDVVRLQÀXHQWLDO                                      org.
awarded to Joseph Lopez, a se- form is incredibly stable. That’s        in my life and the development of
                                                                        the Air Force Flight Test Center,”
nior in mechanical engineering at how we can absolutely, with great
California State University Long FRQ¿GHQFHVD\WKDWSODQHZLOOEH

Beach who is enrolled in the uni- operationally capable through

versity’s accredited Antelope Val- 2045 and beyond.”

ley Engineering Program.    Every Eagle that is honored

Bill Flanagan, was also rec- during a Gathering of Eagles

ognized as the FTHF volunteer event is remembered in the pro-

Airman 1st Class Cory Bond, 412th Communications Squadron, shows a poster of the SR-71 during the live       Aviation artist Douglas Castleman (right) talks about the SR-71 with a
auction at the annual Gathering of Eagles.
                                                                                                             guest at the 2015 Gathering of Eagles. Castleman and other vendors

                                                                                                             donated a portion of their proceeds to the Flight Test Historical
                                                                                                             outside of the west gate to be more open to the public.
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