Page 11 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 10-30-15
P. 11

October 30, 2015                                                                                                                                                                          Desert Wings                                                                                                                       11

MDG grabs football, soccer championships

by Kristen Haidle                      kneel down, the Desert Medics won  and 412th SFS as the number three    thanks in part to two goals by Capt.            minutes remaining in the game.
412th FSS, sports director             the exciting game 19 -18.          VHHG'XULQJWKHVHPL¿QDOVWK  Sarah Thomas. After MDG’s quick                 It seemed as if the game was over
                                                                          SFS upset No. 17 Squadron of the     start, SFS came back and scored                 when player’s pool pick-up for
  The number one seed in Intra-          The 412th MDG also wrapped       Royal Air Force 10-4 to make it to   quickly with coach Senior Airman                MDG, Staff Sgt. Dennis Franske,
mural Flag Football, the 412th         up the Intramural Soccer Champi-   the championship game. The 412th     John Lopez leading the way. The                 scored a quick goal to tie the game
Medical Group, and the number          onship, also played against 412th  MDG, led by coaches Senior Air-      game remained close throughout                  and the MDG quickly scored again
two seeded 412th Security Forces       SFS Oct. 22.                       man Adam Ayala and 1st Lt. Mi-       the second half until 412th SFS                 to win another exciting game 6-5.
Squadron, met in the champion-                                            chael Estacion, took an early lead   took a one goal lead with only
ship game Oct. 21.                       The 412th MDG came into the
                                       playoffs as the number one seed
  412th MDG, led by coaches
Staff Sgt. Milo Otis and Senior        The 412th Medical Group took the Intramural Soccer Championship.                                                                                                                           Courtesy photographs
Airman Andrew Travis, took an
early lead thanks to some great                                                                                The 412th Medical Group took the Intramural Flag Football
catches by player’s pool pick-up                                                                               Championship.
Airman 1st Class Antonio McClay.

  However, 412th SFS tied the
6-6. The 412th MDG came out to
score two more times in the second
half. Again, 412th SFS came back
and scored and then scored again in
the last couple minutes of the half
thanks to the quarterback skills of
Senior Airman Quadri Carter and
the speed and size of Tech. Sgt.
Cameron Freeman. With 412th
MDG up 19 -18 due to an extra
point they had converted earlier,
412th SFS went for the tie. As Cart-
er stepped back to look for someone
to throw the ball to, 412th MDG’s
player’s pool pick-up, Wilmer
Pineda, came out of nowhere and
game for 412th MDG. After one

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