Page 15 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 10-30-15
P. 15
October 30, 2015 Desert Wings 15
ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 14 Cost is $10 per person, shoe rental included. or Guard for your ceremonies please email VL[KROHVPRGL¿HGDOWHUQDWHVKRW/LPLWHGWR
Bowl as many games as you want!, or call WKH¿UVWWHDPVSOD\HUVWRVLJQXS
The Bowl costs $6 per child and includes 661-810-8039.
two hours of bowling, shoe rental, glow bowl- Strike Zone Snack Bar Daily Specials Get Golf Ready: Monday, Wednesday and
ing when available as well as a small drink All combo meals include fries and a ,QIRUPDWLRQ7LFNHWVDQG7UDYHO Friday, Nov. 16, 18, 20, 23, 25 and 27, 4-5:30
for each child. p.m. Price includes nine hours of instruction
16-ounce fountain drink 205 W. Popson Ave., Bldg. 2500, 661-275- RQ WKH GULYLQJ UDQJH SXWWLQJ FKLSSLQJ
The Kid costs $11 per child and includes Monday: Tempura chicken, $8.45 TRIP greens, and on the course. Golf clubs will be
two hours of bowling, shoe rental, glow bowl- Tuesday: Barbecue pulled pork sandwich provided if needed. Golf instruction for begin-
ing when available, bowling themed decora- Knott’s Scary Farm: Knott’s Scary Farm is ners to include all aspects of the game and
tions, a choice of Kids Meal including drink. RUVOLGHUVVHUYHGZLWKFKRLFHRI¿UHVFROH a seasonal Halloween Event at Knott’s Berry SOD\LQJJROIRQWKHFRXUVH/LPLWHGWRWKH¿UVW
slaw or potato salad, $8.45 Farm in which the theme park is transformed 10 players sign up. Sign up at the MLGC pro
The Pizza costs $11 per child and includes into 160 acres of horror via 100-plus mon- shop. Call 661-275-PUTT for more details.
two hours of bowling, shoe rental, glow bowl- Wednesday: Half-pound Angus beef west- sters, haunted mazes, and a series of scare
ing when available, bowling themed decora- ern bacon cheeseburger, $9.45 zones. Twilight Golf: Daily, 3:30 p.m.-sunset. Had
tions, two slices of pizza, and a drink for each a long day at work? Take a little time to relax
child. Thursday: Spicy buffalo wrap or sandwich, #3, $45.50, valid Oct. 30 or 31 and enjoy some golf! Our ‘Twilight Special’
$7.95 Cruise Crazy: Have you ever wanted to is a great way to end the day, get a few holes
Extras: take a cruise but didn’t think you could afford in before dark and save money!
Party Room when available. $10 per hour Friday: Half-pound Angus beef build-a- it? Now is the time to get your ‘sea legs’ in
(non-refundable payment required upon res- burger, $9.45 gear and get over to the Information, Tickets E1-E4: $4.50 green fees
ervation) 7UDYHORI¿FHEHFDXVHWKHSULFHVDUHORZHU E5 and Above/DOD: $6.50 green fees
Bowling Themed Decorations. $1 per child. High Desert Lanes Pro Shop: Sharpen WKDQµVHDOHYHO¶²FDOOWKH,77RI¿FHWRGD\ Contractors and guests: $8.50 green fees
(table cloth, cups, plates, napkins). your game! Private and group lessons avail- so we can show you that you don’t have to Carts: $5 per seat
Birthday Bowling Pin. $15 each. able, ask for details at the front desk. Our full ‘sink to swim’! Golf carts need to be returned by 6 p.m. and
Birthday Party Goody Bags. $3 each. service pro shop is now open! Is it time to walkers can play until dark.
resurface that tired old bowling ball, or per- Library Annual Membership: Are you a frequent
Daily Bowling Specials haps replace the obsolete equipment? Come visitor to the Muroc Lake Golf Course? Save
Tuesday see what’s new in today! Don’t see it on the 5 W. Yeager Blvd., Bldg. 2665, 661-275- money by purchasing an annual membership!
Family Game Night Glow-in-the-Dark shelf? All merchandise can be special ordered BOOK Our memberships run from April 1 through
and available in only a couple of days! See the March 31 but you can join now with these
Bowling, 3-7 p.m. Cost is $1.50 per game per staff at High Desert Lanes for details. Children’s Story Time: Every Wednesday pro-rated rates:
person, $1 shoe rental. Glow in the dark bowl- and Friday 10 a.m. at the Edwards Library. E1-E4: $350
ing, fun for the whole family. Unit Functions: Daily, open to close, reser- Toddlers and pre-school children are invited E5 and above/Retirees/DOD Civilians/
vations required. $5 per person, includes three to join us for a wonderful story time and cre- Contractors: $475
Friday games and shoe rental. Units may reserve ate very unique craft projects. Volunteer read- Guests: $575
Fun Package, 2 p.m-close. Two hour lane lanes anytime during open bowl for parties, ers are welcome! Family Memberships are available along
rental (shoes included), one large pizza and commander’s call and team building events! with monthly payment plans. New rates ef-
one large pitcher of soda. Cost is $35.95 per Special Holiday Story Time fective April 1, 2015, and run through March
lane Honor Guard Halloween: Oct. 30 31, 2016. For more information, call MLGC
Glow-In-The-Dark Bowling, 6-10 p.m. Veterans Day: Nov. 6 at 661-275-7888.
Cost is $10 per person, shoe rental included. 148 Methusa Ave., Bldg. 2462, 661-275-
Bowl as many games as you want. BLUE
Glow-In-The-Dark Bowling, 6-10 p.m., If you need to request the Blue Eagles Hon-
I need a home ... Free online services Sandbagger Grill
Zinio: digital magazines. Overdrive: elec- Open 7 a.m.-2 p.m.
This is Cali. She is We offer a wide variety of food selection for
an adorable 14-year tronic books, downloadable audiobooks and
old Diluted Tortie. videos. Transparent Language Online: Lan- every palate from breakfast to lunch. Lunch
She is tiny, but has guage learning center. Ebsco Host Database: daily specials include choice of french fries or
magazine and journal articles, reference books small side salad and a 16-ounce soft drink.
a big personality. and audiobooks. Gale Group Database: Na-
Cali is very in- tional Geographic digital edition, reference Monday: Pull pork sandwich and chicken
books, magazine and journal articles Adobo
quisitive and quite
gentle. Come visit At the Library: Available for a loan period Tuesday: The ultimate roast beef sandwich
her at APET to see if of two weeks; each item may be renewed at and homemade tuna salad on croissant
she is right for you. the library only, if there are no pending re-
quests by other customers: Wednesday: Build-your-own taco salad
$3(75HVFXHLVORRNLQJIRUDGXOWYROXQWHHUV (french fries not included)
If you are interested, visit APET Rescue at 615 South Forbes Avenue, %RRNV
%RRNVDQG&'6HWV Thursday: Tri-tip sandwich
or call 033OD\DZD\ Friday: Fish and chips, and shrimp basket
(661) 258-9525. 5RVHWWD6WRQH&'5206SDQLVKDQG You can make reservation for birthday par-
APET Rescue is open Russian only) ties, promotion, or any kind of event. We can
4:30- 6 p.m., Monday-Friday, and 3:30-5 p.m., New Resources in the Children’s section: also accommodate special events after hours.
Saturday and Sunday. Playaway View, the first all-in-one video For more information, call 661-275-SAND.
player of its kind, pre-loaded with multiple
videos of the best educational programming, Oasis Community Center
now available at the Main library. Try it out
and select titles such as math, exploring space, 205 W. Popson Ave., 661-275-CNTR
U.S. history and more.
Baseball Pocket Billiards: Nov. 13, reg-
0XURF/DNH*ROI&RXUVH istration starts at 5 p.m., tournament starts at
5:30 p.m.
111 Crest Dr., 661-275-PUTT
Tops in Blue: Nov. 14, 7 p.m. at the Base
MLGC Turkey Trot Golf Tournament: Theater. Join Tops in Blue, as they perform
Nov. 14, shotgun start (weather permitting) “Freedom’s Song,” a celebration of the free-
at 8 a.m. Sign up by Nov. 9 at the MLGC dom we enjoy as Americans. This year’s tour
golf shop. features the exciting sounds of the top of the
charts along with popular American music of
$30 per player AGF Card holder — in- the past. Of course, no Tops in Blue show
cludes golf cart fee, tournament prize fund would be complete without the great patriotic
and food following play music that honors our nation and its heroes.
Add the high energy precision choreography
$40 per player Non-AGF Card holder — and dazzling visual impact Tops in Blue is
includes green fee, golf cart fee, tournament known for and every member of the audience
prize fund and food following play will be singing along and dancing in their
seats. For more information, call 275-CNTR.
Format: Two player teams, multiple for-
mats. Six holes four ball, six holes scramble, See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 16